New Mexico Sun

News from January 2025

President of NMBC on HB 11: 'PFMLA will be funded by the largest wage tax increase in NM history'

Carla Sonntag, president and co-founder of the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC), said that HB 11, the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PFMLA), would result in the largest wage tax increase in state history.

CEO of GACC on new crime bills: 'Nothing is more terrifying to a student' than swatting

Terri Cole, President and CEO of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce (GACC), has called for stronger penalties for swatting, firearm trafficking, and organized crime.

CCIA announces a parent’s guide on explicit books in LCPS

The Coalition of Conservatives in Action (CCIA) has released a parent's guide listing over 95 books in Las Cruces Public Schools that they deem age-inappropriate and explicit.

Deming Station agents stop human smuggling attempt, arrest illegal immigrant

Agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Deming Station have arrested an individual for allegedly smuggling two unaccompanied minors.

OPINION: The New Mexico Legislature is at a Crossroads on Crime

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

New Mexico legislature debates oil and gas industry impact

The New Mexico Legislative Session of 2025 is witnessing significant activity as numerous bills aimed at altering the oil and gas industry's influence on the state advance through The Roundhouse.

Former finance director discusses New Mexico's fiscal conditions at chamber meeting

David Abbey, the former director of the Legislative Finance Council, addressed the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce's Board of Directors on January 24.

New Mexico ranks last in education despite increased spending

The latest release of the Nation’s Report Card reveals that New Mexico ranks last among all 50 states in fourth- and eighth-grade student performance in reading and math.

Settlement resolves claims related to overpaid pandemic benefits in New Mexico

A settlement has been reached in the class action lawsuit, Duran v. New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS), addressing claims related to overpaid pandemic unemployment benefits.

New Mexico Senate advances bills to safeguard state's endangered waterways

On January 30, the Senate Conservation Committee voted 6-3 to advance SB 21 and SB 22, which aim to provide significant protections for New Mexico waters.

New Mexico ECECD announces advisory council meeting

The New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) announced that its advisory council convened on January 22 to review the 2024 annual report, discuss the state's 60-day legislative session, and plan for 2025.

OPINION: Progressives’ Power Play: Blocking a Moderate Democrat at Any Cost

You know the power of progressive lawmaking is slipping in New Mexico when those in power resort to unconstitutional maneuvers to block a moderate Democrat from returning to the Legislature.

NM House Republicans announce Rep. Reeb to co-sponsor bipartisan competency bill

New Mexico House Republicans have announced that Representative Andrea Reeb will co-sponsor House Bill 4 (HB 4), Criminal Competency and Treatment, alongside Democratic Representatives Christine Chandler and Marianna Anaya.

NM FAM announces support for executive order prohibiting gender-transition funding for minors

The New Mexico Family Action Movement (NM FAM) has declared its support for President Trump's executive order dated January 28, 2025, which restricts federal funding for gender-transition treatments for minors.

New Mexico House Republicans announce bipartisan solutions for reforming the Delinquency Act

New Mexico House Republicans have introduced bipartisan House Bill 134, developed in collaboration with District Attorney Sam Bregman and sponsored by Representative Andrea Reeb.

Sen. Brantley on phone-free schools: 'we not only can improve educational outcomes but student’s mental health'

Crystal Brantley, a New Mexico State Senator representing District 35, said that Senate Bill 11 (SB 11) will enhance education and student mental health by providing grants to schools adopting phone-free policies.

Sen. Sharer on Treasurers veteran remarks: She should 'issue a public apology for her offensive comments'

Bill Sharer, a New Mexico District 1 Senator, has called for State Treasurer Laura Montoya to issue a public apology for remarks she made about Senator Jay Block.

OPINION: Governor Grisham’s Legacy: A Crime Crisis of Her Own Making

Poor Governor Grisham...she's in a pickle. She now leads the most violent, criminal-ridden state in the entire nation.

Del Esparza chairs both Denver Fed branch and Albuquerque Chamber

Del Esparza, the CEO of Esparza Digital + Advertising and chair of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, has been appointed as the chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver Branch for 2025.

Carlsbad High collaborates with oil industry to prepare students

In New Mexico, the oil and gas industry has contributed significantly to public education, with more than $279 million in tax revenue directed to schools in fiscal year 2024.