New Mexico Sun

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Pete Stubben is an independent Commodities & Futures trader | Facebook

OPINION: Governor Grisham’s Legacy: A Crime Crisis of Her Own Making


Poor Governor Grisham...she's in a pickle. She now leads the most violent, criminal-ridden state in the entire nation. "Everyone in this room," as she addressed the Roundhouse last week, "knows that crime is out of control. We're in a state of crisis. And we're clearly struggling to protect New Mexicans from this madness." What a this magical Land of Juniper Forests; Free-Running Rivers; Ginormous Upland Plateaus; Bursting Mountain this magical Land of Laboratories of High Science & Grande Artistry: this Land of Enchantment.

But, so regrettably & tragically, it's a depravement of her own making. It's not like New Mexico magically transplanted itself on to or into the Sinaloa Department of the Mexican Republic.

No, no, NO...The Governor supervised & managed this whirlpool of destruction herself...singlehandedly...from the Governor's Mansion in ancient Santa Fe. On day one of her first day in office 7 years ago, the Governor executively demanded her National Guard immediately evacuate from the border, and prohibited her troops from any assistance with the US Border Patrol in enforcing our border & in the apprehension of illegal immigrants and criminal aliens. She supervised the increase of violent crime, drug-trafficking, people trafficking, the amassing of armament stockpiles, sidewalk & neighborhood war zones, as well as a tragic revival of petty crime (store by store thievery). The aforementioned horrors were the direct result of The Governor's relaxation of Judicial Criminal Procedure & Competency Judgements across the state. She stood tall with Las Cruces, Albuquerque and Santa Fe as sanctuary cities to create a Sanctuary-Safe State. Now, the Mexican (and Columbian & Cuban) drug cartels run huge distribution portals at the intersection of I-25 & I-40, that is, downtown Albuquerque. Worldwide, tourists flock to Tombstone, Arizona for staged shootouts at the OK Corral, but here, New Mexican Mothers & Fathers are horrified by the daily shootouts on 2nd Street, down Central & across Lomas.

I'm sorry: she's depraved!!! The Governor further weakened the state's muscularity & serene quality of life by hounding New Mexico's medical professionals and practitioners out of the state by demanding huge, abnormal & outrageous medical insurance caps. Thousands fled!!! Rural New Mexican clinics & hospitals now desperately transact with visiting nurses, because there are no doctors, there are no RN's.

The Prodigal Nieta/BisNieta of the storied Ben & Manuel Lujan now shows signs of remorse by finally speaking to common-sense...after seven years of small business closeouts and entrepreneurial lockdowns --- unnecessarily obstructing small business development with taxes, fees & lawyerly paper trails, while squandering billions from the New Mexico treasury.

As Arizona, Texas, and Colorado prosper, what Democrat, which Progressive, will next inherit Las Casa Reales...the Seat of Power that Wallet-hub just concluded to be the 50th, the very worst state in the nation to raise a family!

Pete Stubben is an independent Commodities & Futures trader. He penned a political column for many years in the Rockaway Wave (founded 1896). In 2018 he relocated to historic Silver City, NM.


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