Tom Vaillancourt News

Truth Required

This is the time of year when all of the newspaper columnists, TV news anchors, talking heads on TV and radio, etc., wish all of us Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc.

Mark Twain's Wisdom Rings True: Why Active Citizenship Matters Now More Than Ever

Mark Twain's Wisdom Rings True: Why Active Citizenship Matters Now More Than Ever


Oh! How things have changed!


One could spend numerous hours and hundreds of pages describing the “Idea of America”

The big picture

The phrase was first used in 1904 meaning “the entire perspective on a situation or issue”

Reality check

It is very common this time of year to review the last year and look at what was good and what was bad. If you are a person who believes in “Traditional American Values”, “Faith, Family, Freedom, Friendship, and Fellowship”, 2022 was not a good year.

Death vs. Life

“The American people have lost two senses: Common sense and their sense of humor”

The ruling class are destroying New Mexico

In the past several months I have posted articles with one overriding theme, “Loss of Freedom”.


How much freedom are the Citizens of New Mexico willing to give up in exchange for security, provided by dictates from Santa Fe and “free” (Paid for by the taxpayer) stuff?

Politics today

Surely, all of us feel like our heads are going to explode!

Wrong is right - - right is wrong

We live in some very interesting, or maybe a better adjective would be confusing, times.

Return to the basics

For those of us who are sports fans, it doesn’t matter what sport, we have all heard the phrase by coaches who have taken over losing teams, “we have to return to the basics.”

To tell the truth

“Truth is the first casualty of war” is a statement that has been used in various forms for a long time.

Citizens of New Mexico: The time is now, the person is you

We are living in interesting, dangerous, scary, overwhelming times.

Election decisions

There will be many pundits on all the TV talk shows and cable networks as well as reams of editorials and opinions pieces telling us what we should think about the election results. All of these people have a much better pedigree than I do.

Civil War II

The first American Civil War was the costliest and deadliest war ever fought on American soil, with some 620,000 of 2.4 million soldiers killed, millions more injured and much of the South left in ruin.

Op-ed: Personal Freedoms

We are living in interesting times in the state of New Mexico. Our personal freedoms have been severely restricted under the guise of a COVID emergency.