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Tom Vaillancourt | Provided, New Mexico Sun

"A Nation at the Crossroads: Traditional Values vs. Government Control"


“These are the best of times and the worst of times.” This famous quote from Charles Dickens has been slightly altered here—from “It was” to “These”—because these are the times we are living in. Never before have things changed so quickly—and not just quickly, but from one extreme to another.

Very few people would argue that, during the last administration, this country was moving toward socialism at a very rapid pace. And very few would argue that this administration is performing a course correction at warp speed.

For those who believe in Traditional American Values, these are the best of times. For those who believe that government should control all aspects of American life, these are the worst of times.

What is fascinating is how the Democrat Party is fighting tooth and nail against anything that brings this country back to Traditional American Values. For example:

  • The obnoxious behavior of Democrats during the President’s address to a joint session of Congress.
  • Fighting to preserve the waste and fraud in the USAID department.
  • Fighting to keep men in women’s sports. Who, in their right mind, wants a man in their daughter’s locker room?
  • Fighting to keep a bloated federal workforce.
  • Fighting to keep the war going in Ukraine.
A person could go on for a very long time listing more bullet points, but you get the picture.

Interestingly, the picture is completely opposite in blue states like New Mexico and California. For those who believe in Complete Government Control, these are the best of times. For example:

  • The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that the governor can completely suspend the Bill of Rights at any time by declaring a Public Health Emergency.
  • The state legislature is in the process of passing a series of laws that will completely destroy small businesses in New Mexico (Family Leave Act—renamed, but with the same result).
  • It would take 100 pages to list all the problems in California. Meanwhile, Gavin Newsom is trying to reimagine his image so he can run for President.
Again, the list is endless.

Here is a lesson that the November 5, 2024, election should have taught us all:

If you want to change the law, change the people who are making the law.

Tom Vaillancourt is a U.S. Navy Vietnam Veteran. He is a retired small business owner and is married with two children and two grandchildren.


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