OPINION: Facts are stubborn things

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Tom Vaillancourt | Provided

The amount of pure garbage that is raining down on us from the political class is the worst in recent memory.

The Democrat Party has put out a bumper sticker that says:

“Save Democracy, Vote Blue”

The last one I noticed was larger than a standard bumper sticker. The Blue lettering was printed on a white background and placed prominently on the back of a white van.

For those of us that remember the TV show "Dragnet" we all remember Sergeant Joe Friday’s famous line  “Just the facts, Ma’am. Just the facts”.

(fact) a thing that is known or proved to be true

The person driving the van needed to hear “Just the Facts”

Which Political Party:

  • Changed the state that would hold the first primary in order to favor President Biden?

  • Used any method necessary to keep Robert Kennedy Jr off the primary ballots?

  • Made the rules for the debate between presidential candidates that assured Robert Kennedy Jr. would be unable to participate?

  • Assured the citizens of the United States that President Joe Biden was at the top of his game right up to the debate?

  • Used what ever method necessary to insure President Biden did not continue his quest for reelection?

  • Disenfranchised and insulted 14 million voters, plus, of their own party when forcing the candidate they voted for, out of the race?

  • Refused to allow the delegates to their national convention to choose the nominee of their party?

  • Had backroom, unknown party bosses choose their nominee?

  • Tried to keep their leading opponent off the primary ballot in 16 states?

  • Refuses to allow their nominee to do any unscripted interviews?

  • Choses to ignore the rulings of the Supreme Court?

  • Choses to ignore immigration law?

  • Opposed to any law that strengthens the integrity of the vote?

  • So inaccurately reports the number of jobs created that they have to be revised downward by over 818,000 (28%)?

  • Uses every agency of the federal government to go after their political opponents?

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, 

but not to their own facts.”

Presenting an Ideologue with the facts would probably be a waste of time!  

Presenting an uniformed voter with the facts could change their prospective on the candidate.

Tom Vaillancourt is a U.S. Navy Vietnam Veteran. He is a retired small business owner and is married with two children and two grandchildren.