New Mexico Sun

News from July 2023

Luján: 'The Universal Service Fund plays an essential role in keeping our schools, hospitals, rural communities, and historically underserved populations connected'

U.S. Sens. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) and John Thune (R-S.D.), who serve as co-chairs of the Universal Service Fund (USF) Working Group, announced the commencement of a 30-day period for the public to submit comments to the USF Working Group in a press release on July 27. The deadline for submitting comments is set for Aug. 25, providing stakeholders and the public with an opportunity to provide their input to the Working Group on relevant matters pertaining to the Universal Service Fund according to a press release.

Heinrich: 'This federal guidance is an important first step in implementing the Home Energy Rebate Programs'

Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Co-Founder and co-chair of the Electrification Caucus, announced his support for the U.S. Department of Energy's guidance on the implementation of the Home Energy Rebate Programs for State and Territorial Energy Offices, according to a press release on July 27. These programs were secured by Heinrich in the Inflation Reduction Act and were based on his Zero-Emission Homes Act according to a press release.

City of Albuquerque City Council met Tuesday, June 5

City of Santa Fe Public Works and Utilities Committee met Monday, June 26

2023 ABQ elections will be a referendum on the job performance of Mayor Keller

The regular 2023 municipal election to elect City Councilors for City Council Districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 will be held on November 7, 2023 along with $200 Million in bonds to be approved by city voters.

City of Santa Fe Finance Committee met Monday, June 5

City of Santa Fe Occupancy Tax Advisory Board met Friday, June 23

Bernalillo County 4-H Pistol Team on target for success

Fledgling team finds success at state and national competitions with an emphasis on growth and safety

Donalds says nuclear energy 'is an invaluable asset that we must utilize in order to efficiently power the future of our nation'

U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Florida) again vouched for nuclear energy after introducing five new bills as a part of his 2023-24 Nuclear Energy Package.

City of Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Authority Joint Powers Board met Thursday, May 18

City of Santa Fe Sister Cities Committee met Wednesday, June 21

Sen. Heinrich: 'It is frustrating and deeply concerning to learn now that the Cerro Pelado Fire was also caused by an escaped prescribed fire'

The Forest Service has released its report on the origin of the Cerro Pelado fire in New Mexico's Santa Fe National Forest in April 2022. The cause of the fire that burned 46,000 acres was a prescribed burn, according to the report.

CNM Ingenuity's Lee: 'The union of NM-NEW and CNM Ingenuity is truly a win-win'

CNM Ingenuity Inc., the "enterprise arm" of Central New Mexico Community College (CNM), has acquired New Mexico-New Elder World (NM-NEW), a non-profit organization that connects older New Mexicans with mentoring and entrepreneurial opportunities.

New Mexico Historic Sites Deputy Director Barbour: 'Old Lincoln Days is one of my favorite events'

On July 25, the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs issued a press release announcing the upcoming Old Fort Lincoln Days event, scheduled for August 4th through the 6th.

Family and Community Services Division Manager on before- and after-school programming: 'We know that kids learn through play'

On July 24, the city of Albuquerque announced that it has officially opened registration for its before- and after-school programs. T

Palette Contemporary Art and Craft owner: ‘We're challenged to be inclusive'

For almost 20 years, Palette Contemporary Art and Craft in Albuquerque has been offering artwork for a wide range of customers and every type of budget. By searching locally, nationally and abroad, gallery owner Kurt Nelson takes pride in finding a range of modern art in all price ranges, ensuring that patrons with varying financial capacities can acquire special pieces that align with their taste.

MRA director: 'The Rail Trail is an investment that will connect our communities and activate the heart of our city'

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller and world-renowned architect Antoine Predock unveiled a vision for the Albuquerque Rail Trail.

UMCCC's Schulke: ACS grants help to 'alleviate that stress so our patients can focus on getting better'

Jill Schulke, director of Patient Family Support Services at UNMCCC, stated that funding from the American Cancer Society assists in the care of people and families seeking treatment.

Martinez: 'HSD is committed to supporting low-income families in their community'

The New Mexico Human Services Department announced on July 24, 2023, that its office in Portales, N.M., will extend its office hours to better assist customers.

UNMCCC's Sequeira on Lobo Cancer Challenge: '100% of the funds raised by our Challengers go directly to their choice of program'

The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC) will host its Lobo Cancer Challenge on Saturday, Sept. 23, at University Stadium in Albuquerque.