New Mexico Sun

News from September 2022

Revel owner sees northeast Albuquerque as 'a real entertainment destination'

Albuquerque's newest concert hall recently opened, adding to the growing list of entertainment possibilities being offered in the northeast part of the city.

Valencia County is in need of six full-time firefighters: 'Our crews run about 500 calls a month'

The Valencia County Fire Department is struggling to meet demand with limited staff to answer a growing number of calls.

ACLU strategist: 'I find it very troubling' that New Mexico state prison guards stood and watched inmate being beaten

A senior policy strategist with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) finds it troubling that New Mexico state prison employees would watch for several minutes as an individual was attacked on Sept. 22.

City of Santa Fe Public Works and Utilities Committee met Monday, June 6

City of Albuquerque City Council met Wednesday, Sept. 7.

Pet of the Week: Billy Loomis

Animal Humane New Mexico has an animal available for adoption:For more information, contact the Animal Humane New Mexico at 615 Virginia St. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108, 505.255.5523 or email at info@animalhumanenm.orgSource: