New Mexico Sun

Bernalillo County 4-H Pistol Team on target for success

Fledgling team finds success at state and national competitions with an emphasis on growth and safety

IPANM: 'We have concerns that the distance to be enforced under the State Land Office’s assumed discretionary authority is arbitrary and isn’t based on any definitive evidence of health impacts'

New Mexico public education budgets largely depend on oil and gas. Schools highly dependent on the revenue generated from the industry to fund everything from teacher positions to interactive learning projects as well as the addition of new technology and custodial hours when needed.

Emails topic of city council meeting, Bassan says constituents 'very upset' on issue

E-mails from blogger Pete Dinelli to city of Albuquerque addresses were incorrectly blocked because of security concerns, a city IT staffer told the Albuquerque City Council on Monday, but the error was recognized and corrected.

Albuquerque officials deny blogger's claim that 'someone was screening' his emails

Former councilor, longtime local attorney and popular blogger dismisses city’s explanation of computer error.

Economist: New Mexico must change to become competitive with neighboring states

American Legislative Exchange Council executive vice president of policy Jonathan Williams, the organization’s chief economist, said New Mexico is sorely in need of a comeback to compete economically with neighboring states.

GAHLA director: 'SOSs are not the proper solution for the homeless occupants'

At least eight organizations have filed appeals against the Dawn Legacy Point Safe Outdoor Spaces homeless tent encampment, asking the Albuquerque City Planning Department to reverse its decision and deny the Safe Outdoor Space application of Dawn Legacy for 1250 Menaul Blvd. NE.

Billboard sponsor: 'Maybe with this board, they will realize the citizens have had enough'

A billboard recently displayed in Las Cruces raised some questions from city residents — along with the hackles of some city officials.

Sonntag: Business owners are 'completely opposed' to proposed Paid Family Medical Leave Act

A proposal to mandate paid leave for workers is getting a cool reception from New Mexico business owners.

Bernalillo County Commission candidate Young:: 'I will fight for you; I will defend your constitutional rights and call out corruption wherever I see it'

Judy Young has never sought public office before, but says she sees the need to represent the people of Bernalillo County, bringing her education, experience and skills to work to foster a better, stronger, safer community.

Albuquerque minister: Homeless suffer more from substance abuse than mental illness and can 'come back to a normal life'

Ralph DiPalma, a volunteer minister associated with Last Chance Ministries, said agencies that seek to help homeless people mired in substance abuse are doing them no favors by designating many of them as mentally ill.

Albuquerque street minister vows to help the homeless 'until I can't go anymore'

Brother Ralph knows the rough road to addiction as well as the path to a better life. He’s been down both.

Bassan: 'I plan to vote to override the mayor’s veto' on Safe Outdoor Spaces

Mayor Keller blocked moratorium on new permits, halting applications approved by City Council

Community activist on homeless in troubled area: 'It appears Mayor Keller does not want Central Avenue to succeed, and these costs are driving businesses away'

Colleen Aycock has taken a person interest in cleaning up southeast Albuquerque. That has involved a lot of time and effort — and a frightening moment as well.

WTBON founder on city's homeless: 'It’s time for Mayor Keller and his departments to hear us. Do your jobs and quit promoting lawlessness by standing down to crime'

Enough is enough, says Colleen Aycock who notes that it's time for action to clean up the lawlessness and degradation that plagues southeast Albuquerque.

Albuquerque police start operating under less federal oversight in 'well overdue' move

The Albuquerque Police Department is moving forward after years oversight from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Resident rides with Albuquerque police: 'It is truly an honor and a privilege to be able to accompany a police officer'

Albuquerque resident Dave Anderson talks the talk about supporting law enforcement, and rides the ride too.

Albuquerque activist: Rummler's 'conduct is deplorable and should not be tolerated from any city employee'

An Albuquerque resident who spoke to City Council aide Laura Rummler in late July said she was dismayed by the way she was spoken to by the city employee.

Albuquerque resident: 'How much money has been flushed down the toilet in the last five years putting Band Aids on the vagrant situation?'

Safe outdoor spaces became legal in Albuquerque, New Mexico’s largest city July 28, and the Albuquerque City Council ultimately added the safe outdoor spaces as a new use in the city’s Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO).

Community mourns first responder killed in helicopter crash: 'Larry was a team player'

Bernalillo County Undersheriff Koren, among four killed in crash, remembered for service to community