New Mexico Sun

New Edgewood government holds first 'State of the Town'

The commission and Town manager of Edgewood held the city’s first-ever "State of the Town" on Feb. 28.

Founder of Black Physicians of Utah: 'When a Black patient goes to a Black doctor, there’s less likely to be bias'

Black Physicians of Utah (BPOU) is a nonprofit organization working to increase the number of Black physicians through retention, recruitment and education.

Galloway of New Mexico Business Coalition:  'This gift drive will positively affect our community'

The New Mexico Business Coalition is hosting the Adopt a Family Gift Drive in Albuquerque through Tuesday with the goal of helping preselected needy families.

Shortage of nurses, doctors forces closure of Gallup's RMCH Labor and Delivery unit

Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital temporarily closed its Labor and Delivery Unit due to a shortage of nurses and physicians.

San Juan County commissioner notes 'dangerous situation' of state Highway 173

San Juan County says a deteriorating popular New Mexico highway presents a “dangerous situation” and needs repair.

Perferct 'tripledemic' storm brewing for winter: COVID, flu, and RSV

A perfect storm of COVID-19, flu and RSV cases could all infect the public at large as the temperature lowers amid existing shortages of beds and nurses.

Rio Rancho enjoys growth amid fears of national recession

Rio Rancho, New Mexico, is experiencing unprecedented growth as many believe the United States is headed toward a recession.

Parent on Tide Pod in Halloween candy: 'I don't know how I feel about going trick-or-treating next year'

The dangers of trick-or-treating turned into a nightmare for a Santa Fe family when a three-year-old child ate a Tide Pod hidden in his candy bag.

Rescued hiker is grateful to volunteers of Albuquerque Mountain Rescue: 'I’m extremely thankful for those guys'

Lorna Greenway is grateful to the volunteers of the Albuquerque Mountain Rescue who located her after she was lost for nearly 16 hours in the foothills last week.

Expert refutes claims that zip ties are a sign of sex trafficking target: 'None of that is true, and none of that exists, and none of that happens'

Experts in the tactics of sex traffickers say zip ties left on cars are not an indication someone is being targeted.

Rio Rancho Elementary earns ESPN award for 'enhancing current efforts and providing rich opportunities'

Rio Rancho Elementary School has been named one of ESPN’s top five Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools for 2022.

Petition opposes city's plan: 'The City of Albuquerque is involved in another City boondoggle'

Judy Young, a candidate for Bernalillo County Commissioner, is helping a group called Women Taking Back our Neighborhoods circle a petition opposing the City of Albuquerque’s plan to convert the SureStay Hotel on Hotel Circle into affordable housing.

Dia de los Muetos celebrated in Santa Fe Plaza: 'It’s good for us as human beings'

Organizers called the first Dia de los Muertos celebration to be held on the Santa Fe Plaza a rousing success.

Fundraiser supports firefighters facing life-threatening illnesses: 'We have a trust in our community'

Area firefighters came together recently to host a fundraiser for their families who are facing life-threatening illnesses.

New Mexico-Texas-Colorado settlement on Rio Grande water rights still faces federal opposition

New Mexico, Texas and Colorado reached a settlement on management of the Rio Grande River but still face opposition from the federal government and two irrigation districts.

Queen's master saddler has 'precious' tools stolen in Albuquerque

A man who claims to be a former master saddler for the late Queen of England said his tools were stolen during a recent visit to Albuquerque.

Bernalillo County considers ordinance prohibiting pedestrians standing on intersection medians 'to eliminate unnecessary deaths'

Bernalillo County is considering an ordinance that would penalize people who stand on medians at dangerous intersections.

ENMU receives $749,976 grant to advance 'science, technology, and engineering'

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) selected Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU) to receive $749,976 to research using carbonyl as an infrared reporter for probing the nature of charges in donor-acceptor-type conjugated molecules.

School officials want harsher penalties for students caught with drugs: 'If ... there's no consequences for it, the bad behavior's going to continue'

The superintendent of Socorro Consolidated Schools is asking for stiffer penalties for students accused of drug possession.

Albuquerque artist: 'Suicide, gun violence, fentanyl is killing our people'

An Albuquerque artist put his talents to use by hosting an event to celebrate life often spoiled by drug addiction and gun violence.