A Santa Fe child became ill after eating a Tide Pod hidden in Halloween candy. | Anderson Schmig/Unsplash

Parent on Tide Pod in Halloween candy: 'I don't know how I feel about going trick-or-treating next year'


The dangers of trick-or-treating turned into a nightmare for a Santa Fe family when a three-year-old child ate a Tide Pod hidden in his candy bag.

Giselle Rascon noticed her son was coughing and gasping for air after she took her kids trick-or-treating in the Cielo Azul subdivision off Agua Street, according to KRQE.

"We picked him up and we realized he was spitting up some liquid ... out of his mouth,” Rascon said. "He had it on his clothes, and that's when we realized he had a Tide Pod in his hand."

The young boy vomited and had the detergent washed out of his mouth before going to the hospital, KRQE reported. He was treated and released after doctors took his vitals and called Poison Control.

Rascon, who said her family does not use Tide Pods, found more of the laundry detergent in her other kids' candy bags.

"That's when we realized they got it in the candy," she said.

Rascon does not know which house the Tide Pods might have come from, or whether it was accidental or intentional, according to KRQE. She and her children visited more than a dozen houses in the neighborhood while trick-or-treating. 

"If that happened to my son, you don't know if they handed out more Tide Pods to more kids," she said.

The close call caused Rascon to rethink the Halloween tradition, KRQE reported.

"I felt really upset," she said. "I even wanted to cry. I don't know how I feel about going trick-or-treating next year."

Rascon made a social media post to warn other parents, according to KRQE. She considered filing a police report as well to alert authorities about the incident.


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