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Political Pressure Overrides Safety: Mayor Keller’s Legacy Project Exposes Workers to Asbestos

The City of Albuquerque and Consolidated Builders face record fines for ignoring asbestos risks at Mayor Keller's pet project, the Gateway Homeless Shelter, according to a damning report by New Mexico's OHSB.


APD Use of Force Down, Police Shooting Up; A violent city is now norm

The Albuquerque Police Department released its Annual Use of Force Report for the year 2022.


SF Dems underwrite $1 billion solar plant with $0.6 billion of NM Taxpayer Money

$0.6 Billion is the cost of overcoming NM Education, Crime, and Infrastructure Crisis for just one company.


Aggressive climate policy can be bad for New Mexico

Climate change presents a daunting challenge for economists, political scientists, and policymakers.


Albuquerque is New Mexico's crime hub

The FBI has not yet completed its uniform crime reporting statistics for 2021 but has done so for 2020.


Keller's Rail Trail: Paradise Road or Homeless, Drug Skid Row?

On July 22, Mayor Tim Keller was joined by world-renowned architect Antoine Predock to announce plans for the Albuquerque Rail Trail project.


Referendum Project in New Mexico transcends partisan politics

We the people are in charge of the government, but we do not directly make or enforce the laws.


2023 ABQ elections will be a referendum on the job performance of Mayor Keller

The regular 2023 municipal election to elect City Councilors for City Council Districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 will be held on November 7, 2023 along with $200 Million in bonds to be approved by city voters.


Do progressives dream?

We all basically want the same things like a happy life, a comfortable home in a safe neighborhood, a good education for our children, adequate health care, enough money to take the occasional vacation and a rewarding job.


Address the problem, not the symptom

There is a growing awareness of truth that is beginning to rise in New Mexico.


Albuquerque mayor and council created the homeless crisis

It is time to throw the bums out, and I do not mean the homeless.



Oh! How things have changed!


A republic or 'political judicial monarchy'?

The United States Supreme Court at one time was viewed with a unique “sense of awe” and respect because it consistently interpreted the United States Constitution as a “living and evolving document”


Christ and the little green men

I thought that faith was on the way out, but along comes government with a report on 'unexplained aerial phenomena' or UAPs (aka 'unidentified flying objects'). Why the name change? Maybe our officials don’t want us to think of extraterrestrials when we see something strange in the sky… or it could be some 'brander' thought it time to update the 1940s appellation for things that hover above us.


Reversing the Homelessness Crisis: Is New Mexico Ready for a Behavioral Health Treatment Court?

On May 22, the NM Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) released a report on the state’s homeless and the affordable housing shortage which included the preliminary estimates of the 2023 Point In Time (PIT) annual homeless count.


Truth of the Referendum Project and the misleading claims of the SOS

During the 2023 legislative session we saw progressive ideals passed by our legislature while family values were offended, and faith values were mocked.


Nine years of reform: time to close the case on Albuquerque's police department

On November 14, 2014, the City, APD and Department of Justice (DOJ) entered into a stipulated Court Approved Settlement Agreement (CASA).


Inflate or die

The recent headline, “Debt Ceiling Deal Between White House and GOP Reached In Principle,” may provide temporary relief, but it belies a more profound, systemic issue: the perpetual and inevitable growth of debt within our monetary framework.


Under Keller, a 71% Homicide Surge Turns Albuquerque Into One of America's Most Violent Cities

On April 26, the Major Cities Chiefs Association released its Violent Crime Survey and national totals for the crimes of homicides, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults.