New Mexico Sun

OPINION: New Mexico Schools Need to Make it Easier for Parents to Get Involved

New Mexico is ranked 50th in the Nation for education. Academic proficiencies for New Mexico schools are shocking.

OPINION: How Parents Can Protect Their Children from Explicit Content in New Mexico Public Schools

Most parents intuitively know that exposing their children to age-inappropriate explicit content can be harmful. Researchers have also investigated this and have found connections between children being exposed to sexually explicit materials and potential harms.

OPINION: NM Lawmakers Put Girls' Sports at Risk, Reject Common-Sense Fairness Bill

Women had to fight for decades in order to achieve equal access to sports.

OPINION: "Realize Las Cruces" Plan Threatens Single-Family Home Neighborhoods

On February 18, Las Cruces City Council will likely be voting on whether to adopt “Realize Las Cruces,” which includes sweeping changes to the zoning code that will affect all neighborhoods.

OPINION: Fixing the broken system – protecting communities from repeat offenders

Our communities are bearing the brunt of a criminal justice system that is broken—one that fails to adequately address mental health challenges and drug addiction.

OPINION: Citizen engagement in NM legislative decisions is more vital than ever

The 2025 New Mexico Legislative session begins on January 21st and runs through March 22nd

OPINION: Realize Las Cruces: City Council’s Vote Could Reshape Neighborhood Zoning

Zoning codes don’t sound exciting, but they impact many aspects of our City and daily lives.

OPINION: Vindicated but not consoled: congressional report and the toll of ill-conceived mandates

Many of us remember 2020 as the year of COVID, when our lives were upended and nothing would ever be the same again. What began as a novel illness quickly cascaded into “2 weeks to flatten the curve,” followed by lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates.

OPINION: Examining New Mexico’s HB7: Implications for Parental Consent and Youth Gender Care

In 2023, the NM legislature and Governor signed law HB7, which requires that school districts must not “interfere” in any way with children accessing transgender (and abortion) procedures. Despite what some lawmakers have said about this law, there is no requirement for parental notification and there are no age restrictions for children to access these procedures. Schools can be fined $5,000 per instance if teachers or nurses “interfere” by talking to children's parents about their transgender procedures.

OPINION: Both Democrat and Republican legislators have failed us

I don’t usually agree with the Governor. Over her tenure, I have objected to most of Governor Lujan Grisham’s policies including her disastrous Covid lockdown and school closures (from which we’re still struggling to recover), her electric vehicle mandates (which will hit the poor the hardest), and her tyrannical use of emergency powers to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Should pornography be allowed to remain in Las Cruces Schools?

On October 12, Las Cruces Public Schools (LCPS) held a formal hearing about the book Jack of Hearts and Other Parts.

UNM and NMSU should drop their COVID-19 vaccine mandates now

COVID-19 vaccine mandates at the University of New Mexico (UNM) and New Mexico State University (NMSU) should be rescinded immediately.

Las Cruces City Council allows marijuana to be sold near school for the poor

On September 6, the Las Cruces City Council and Mayor voted unanimously to allow recreational marijuana to be sold right next to New America School, despite the fact that the City Ordinance calls for a minimum buffer distance of 300 feet between a school and a marijuana dispensary.

CDC’s guidance change is long overdue and much damage has occurred in the meantime

The CDC recently changed their COVID-19 guidance with an update that the unvaccinated should no longer be treated differently than the vaccinated.

This crisis is bigger than just our generation

This is a pivotal time for the current generation, but it is also much bigger than that.