APD's Medina: 'Domestic violence tends to be more personal and usually impacts entire families, often with tragic consequences'

Harold medina 800
Harold Medina, chief, Albuquerque Police Department | cabq.gov/police

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller and Albuquerque Police Department (APD) Chief Harold Medina, along with members of the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Commission, recently came together to highlight their efforts in combating domestic violence; a news release from the City said. Medina recognized the distinct nature of domestic violence and emphasized its personal impact and the far-reaching consequences it has on entire families.

In Albuquerque, approximately 10% of homicides are driven by domestic violence, the July 11 release said. Keller emphasized the crucial importance of early intervention to prevent family disputes from escalating into acts of violence.

“Interrupting cycles of domestic violence can literally save lives,” Keller said in the release. “We are putting more resources toward intervention and working hand in hand with our partners to address this public health crisis and keep survivors safe.”

APD has implemented the new Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART) to offer better support to abuse survivors and avert subsequent crimes, the release said. The department assigns a detective to domestic violence cases and provides support through the Victims Assistance Unit. APD's Domestic Violence (DV) Coordinator Advocacy Unit has made contact attempts with 2,232 victims and gathered information from 428 felony cases, which has been shared with the district attorney's Early Contact Advocates. The DART program consists of a team of 20 trained officers who promptly reach out to victims, connecting them to resources without delay.

“Unlike many other violent crimes, domestic violence tends to be more personal and usually impacts entire families, often with tragic consequences,” Medina said in the release. “We have to come together as a community to prevent these tragedies. That starts with acknowledging the problem and reaching out to family, friends and neighbors to ensure they are supported.”

Bernalillo County District Attorney Sam Bregman also commented on the joint effort to prevent domestic violence.

"The District Attorney’s Office remains committed to victims as they make their way through the criminal justice system,” he said in the release. “Our victim advocates and prosecutors work with our law enforcement and community partners on a daily basis, providing comfort and resources to those affected by domestic violence."

Bonnie Escobar, executive director of Enlace Communitario, expressed appreciation for the local entities that are working together to end domestic violence.

“Enlace Comunitario was founded by and for domestic violence (DV) survivors from Central New Mexico’s Latinx and immigrant communities,” she said in the release. “For over 23 years, Enlace has bridged service gaps for DV survivors by providing culturally and linguistically specific, wraparound DV intervention and prevention services to in-need community members; and while Enlace is a culturally specific DV service provider, we support any DV survivor in need. Enlace is grateful for our partners in progress who work to reduce and educate about DV, and we appreciate APD’s commitment to addressing DV cases thoroughly and participating in ongoing training around DV. Enlace is here for DV survivors, and we are available to provide education and outreach to help shape a DV-free community here in Albuquerque and beyond.”

Under the Keller administration, the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Commission was established, comprised of representatives from Enlace, Rape Crisis, SANE, the Coalition to Stop Violence against Native Women, and the New Mexico Asian Family Center; the release said. The organizations work collectively to address sexual assault and domestic violence issues in the community.