Hazardous material 770x400

Free Hazardous Waste Drop-off


Drive-thru at BuRRT, Saturday 11/4, 9-1

Free Household Hazardous Waste Collection Drive-Thru Event 
Buckman Road Recycling and Transfer Station 
Saturday, November 6, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

November 1, 2021 -- The Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency is hosting a free household hazardous waste collection drive-thru event for Santa Fe City and County residents on Saturday, November 6, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Buckman Road Recycling and Transfer Station (BuRRT). 

The drive-thru format enables residents to stay in their vehicle while trained staff unloads the HHW materials from your car trunk, SUV cargo area, or pickup bed.

Products with warning labels such as dangerous, toxic, flammable, combustible, corrosive, and ignitable are considered hazardous waste that can cause serious illness or pose an environmental or health threat if improperly handled or disposed of.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, all residents must:
• Stay in their vehicle and wear a mask at all times.
• Place all materials in sturdy boxes and place them in the car trunk/SUV cargo area/pickup bed, not inside the vehicle's passenger compartment.
• Limit to one trip.

Acceptable HHW materials include:
• Motor oil, antifreeze, gasoline, automotive products
• Paints, thinners, stains, varnishes, solvents
• Aerosol cans, small propane tanks and canisters
• Household cleaning products, hobby chemicals
• Pesticides, herbicides, poisons
• Fertilizers, lawn products, swimming pool chemicals
• Car and rechargeable batteries, fluorescent bulbs
• Smoke alarms/detectors, fire extinguishers, road flares
• Mercury thermostats and thermometers

Unacceptable materials include:
• Electronic waste, televisions, appliances
• Ammunition, explosive materials, radioactive waste, asbestos
• Medical infectious waste, sharps, prescription drugs, oxygen cylinders

  • Businesses and contractors will be turned away.
  • HHW materials mixed with trash, electronic waste, or green waste will be subject to a tipping fee.
  • A licensed hazardous waste company will process all collected HHW materials. Treatment methods include recycling, fuel blending, incineration, neutralization, and solidification, and landfilling.

Residents can take HHW materials to BuRRT every Friday and Saturday throughout the year during normal operating hours. The minimum cost is $6.00, which covers up to 240 lbs. Mercury-Containing Equipment and lamps are $0.50/unit.

For more information, please call 424-1850 or visit SantaFeRecycling.org.
Contact: Rosalie Cardenas, HR Officer/Admin. Assistant 424-1850, ext. 150


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