Human Services Committee Vacancy


Seeking Candidates for Santa Fe 
Human Services Committee

The Human Services Committee was formed by Resolution in 1987 and is charged by the City of Santa Fe Ordinance (2016) to assess and advocate for human service needs, coordinate resources to maximize cost-effectiveness, evaluate local human services programs, and provide technical assistance to programs. The Responsibilities of the Committee include oversight of the Human Services Fund, review of applications for the fund and making recommendations, evaluating and improving services, and ensuring access to services for all residents of Santa Fe. The committee is advisory and makes funding recommendations to the Governing Body. The committee is now seeking candidates to fill one (1) member vacancy.

Membership is comprised of seven (7) members appointed by the Mayor with approval from the Governing Body. Considerations shall be made to ensure that the membership reflects a range of ages and professional and community backgrounds. The committee is giving priority consideration to applicants with strong behavioral health backgrounds. Members must reside within Santa Fe County and there is no compensation. The board is currently made up of six (6) professionals representing the areas of healthcare, public heath, social services and hospitals.

The Committee meets from 3-5 p.m. the third Tuesday of every other month, approximately six times per year, and occasionally for special purposes. The meetings will be open to the public.

Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest and a resume to:
Julie Sanchez, Youth and Family Services Division Director, City of Santa Fe Community Health and Safety Department (jjsanchez@santafenm.gov, 505-955-6678).

Deadline to apply: 5:00 PM, November 19, 2021


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