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State Rep. Block on Paid Family and Medical Leave Act: 'The most evil bill this session is being heard right now on the House floor'


John Block, a representative for New Mexico House District 51, said that House Bill 11, the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act, would "annihilate all NM small businesses." He made this statement in a post on X on February 28.

"The most evil bill this session is being heard right now on the House floor," said Block, State Representative. "I think we certainly can kill this horrible bill, so I'm keeping positive thoughts about this one dying. Pray NM is spared from this horrific bill that would annihilate all NM small businesses."

House Bill 11 was sponsored by Representatives Christine Chandler, Mimi Stewart, Linda Serrato, Patricia Roybal Caballero, and Javier Martinez. According to the legislative actions list on February 20, the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee reported that the bill should not pass but recommended that the committee substitute should proceed.

Screenshot of State Representative John Block's Feb. 28 post on X | x

Block is a Republican politician from Otero County and the founder of the Piñon Post, a conservative news outlet. He was re-elected in 2024 to represent House District 51. Block advocates for conservative values and free speech, with legislative priorities including limited government and individual liberties.

According to Block's post on X dated February 19, he spoke out against the committee substitute for the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act. The bill passed the New Mexico House Commerce Committee with a narrow vote of 6-5. Representatives Armstrong, J.N. Hernandez, Mason, Matthews, and Murphy voted against it while De La Cruz, Lente, Parajon, Serrato, Anyanonu, and Gallegos voted in favor.

The committee substitute for House Bill 11 will establish the Welcome Child and Family Wellness Leave Act and create the Family Wellness Leave Fund upon being signed into law. This fund will provide eligible applicants with a percentage of their wages while they take leave. Additionally, it creates the Welcome Child Fund to offer refunds to eligible applicants following childbirth or adoption to allow time off for bonding. Starting January 1, 2027 through January 1, 2030 employers with five or more employees would contribute 0.15% of each participating employee’s wages up to an earnings cap. In 2030 this contribution would increase to cover up to 100% of each participating employee’s wages up to the earnings cap.


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