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Emmons Yates IPANM Southeast Vice President | Independent Petrolium Association of New Mexico

DEPA criticizes DOE's LNG export report citing debunked myths

Today, the Domestic Energy Producers' Alliance (DEPA) criticized a report by the Department of Energy (DOE) regarding the impact of U.S. LNG exports. The report claims that increased LNG exports lead to a "triple-cost increase to US consumers," a notion DEPA disputes.

Jerry Simmons, CEO and President of DEPA, stated, "Ten years ago, the United States was not exporting LNG. Today, the US stands as the number one LNG exporter in the world. And what has happened to natural gas prices for American consumers during this period? They’ve gone down, not up." He further argued that the idea of significant domestic price spikes due to LNG exports was debunked in 2015 when DEPA helped lift the crude oil export ban.

Simmons also commented on public concerns about consumer price impacts: "Attempts to stir public anxiety over consumer price impacts are unfounded, and this DOE report reflects a policy direction that fails to align with economic and energy realities."

The DOE's labeling of their report as "final" before releasing it for public comment has raised questions about their process. Simmons expressed confidence that future administrations will adopt policies prioritizing growth and energy security.

In agreement with DEPA's stance, IPANM and other national oil & gas trade associations consider the Biden Administration’s report flawed.

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