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Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber | Facebook/Mayor Alan Webber

Webber: 'We are committed to our children and young people'


On July 10, 2023, the City of Santa Fe made an announcement regarding its investment of $3.42 million to fund services for children and youth over the course of three years. Mayor Alan Webber emphasized the city's dedication to its young population, stating this substantial investment reflects their commitment to shaping a promising future for the children and youth of Santa Fe, according to a press release by the City of Santa Fe.

"We are committed to our children and young people. The investment of more than $3.4 million in their futures is a sign of that commitment," Webber said in the release. "With our partners in service organizations across Santa Fe, we will do our utmost to safeguard our children and prepare them to succeed in life."

The Governing Body of the City of Santa Fe has approved a funding allocation of $3,421,350 over the span of three years to support safety net and navigation services provided by nonprofit agency partners. These contracts, which commenced on July 1, 2023, at the start of the new fiscal year (FY23-24), aim to prioritize key areas outlined in the Children and Youth Commission's Strategic Plan. These areas include promoting youth wellness, addressing safety and basic needs and supporting early childhood and supplemental education initiatives, according to a press release by the City of Santa Fe.

The allocated funding further enables nonprofit agencies to conduct screenings of children, youth and their families to identify social determinants of health, such as access to healthcare, housing, nutritious food, transportation and other essential support services. Through the CONNECT network, which encompasses over 60 programs and involves over 250 navigators situated in clinics, hospitals, schools and community organizations throughout Santa Fe, as well as the 211 helpline operated by United Way of North Central New Mexico, individuals are connected to the necessary services and resources to address their unmet needs according to a press release by the City of Santa Fe, according to the release.

According to the press release, Julie Sanchez, Youth and Family Services Division Director, said, "Funding unmet social and human services for our community is critical not just for the well-being of those residents but for the overall health, safety and quality of life of the community at large. The City is fortunate to have so many partner organizations that have proven track records of providing services effectively and efficiently."


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