A camper was recently stolen in Peralta, N.M. | Facebook photo

Barron: 'It makes me feel violated, I mean, I don’t feel comfortable at home' after theft


A 28-foot-camper, belonging to Valentino Barron and his wife, was more than just four wheels.

It was their first big purchase in 2017. In less than 20 minutes, someone broke their gate, drove onto their property and took off with their camper in broad daylight while the couple were at work, KRQE reported.

“My heart just dropped," Barron told KRQE. "It makes me feel violated, I mean, I don’t feel comfortable at home.”

The pair may be upset about the more than $20,000 loss, but they're more hurt about losing what was inside, including the hunting gear they’ve been collecting for years and other things that can never be replaced, according to KRQE.

“The photos of my grandfather, the gifts that were given to my wife from my dad, gifts that were given to me from my dad," Barron added, KRQE reported.

The reason the couple moved to Peralta four years ago was for the peace and quiet, so they never expected this to happen. Barron told KRQE. 

“I thought Peralta would be a nice area, I could live more at ease, and, nope,” he said, according to KRQE.

According to Bosque Farms police, who are investigating this theft, this is an unusual crime in the area, KRQE reported. Peralta Police noted only four vehicles were reported stolen in 2022.


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