New Mexico Sun

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The robot server Cayenne helps guests save time when ordering meals, which allows for faster service. | Unsplash/Jessie McCall

Shark Reef Cafe general manager on self-automated server: 'This just adds another element to our service'


Albuquerque BioPark is making a quick stop at one of its restaurants even quicker with the addition of a new self-automated server.

KOB 4 reports the robot server Cayenne is featured at Shark Reef Cafe and helps guests save time when ordering meals.

“We’re a quick-service restaurant so people place their order, they come up, they pick up their food,” Shannon Sanchez, general manager of Shark Reef Cafe, told KOB 4. “This just adds another element to our service. They can now order through the QR code, they can skip the line and once it’s ready, Cayenne brings it to your table.”

Shark Reef Cafe staff said the robot has been beneficial. More such robots could be placed at the cafe and also throughout the zoo, according to BioPark officials.

“We’re at a point now where tech has been pushing to the service sector big time since the pandemic, and with that we had to look at different ways to meet the guests' needs,” Sanchez told KOB 4.


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