Graduation ceremony 1200
In May, Serena Helewicz graduated from Rio Rancho High School as valedictorian of the Class of 2022. | Joshua Hoehne/Unsplash

Cancer doesn't stop Rio Rancho High School valedictorian


Battling a rare form of cancer didn’t keep Serena Helewicz from achieving the goal she set for herself to graduate from Rio Rancho High School with the best grades possible. A determined work ethic earned her valedictorian honors for the Class of 2022.

“It’s great to see her so successful and driven,” Michelle Helewicz, Serena’s mom, told KOB 4. “It’s just been really hard watching her suffer and trying to find the right answers and the right path.”

Serena, who began getting sick just before her freshman year, was diagnosed with fibrolamellar carcinoma, a disease diagnosed only about 100 times per year. Instead of making plans to indulge in culinary arts or enjoy figure skating, she endured months of chemotherapy.

But Serena decided to focus on what she could control: her studies. The only time she missed school was when she was in the hospital. In May, Serena graduated with a 4.32 GPA after taking 14 Advanced Placement (AP) classes.

 “I knew exactly what I had to do,” Serena told KOB 4. “I was going to have to take all AP classes. It’s all you have to do and get straight ‘A’s. Then that’s what I did and I tried to push through.”

It took a while for doctors to diagnose exactly what was wrong with Serena.

“When she lost consciousness, it was really tough.” Serena’s dad told KOB 4. “When we were airlifted to Colorado and that’s when I received the diagnosis.”

Serena is scheduled to undergo a new type of immunotherapy treatment before heading to the University of New Mexico, where she’ll study biochemistry to become a biomedical researcher. 

“Ever since I was a child, I’ve always been a huge goal-setter, huge goal-achiever,” she said. “[I encourage others to] just do the best with what you have.”


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