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Homicide arrests in Albuquerque have risen dramatically in 2022. | Facebook

Albuquerque Police chief: 'I want 100 homicides solved, and I want well over 100 arrests'


The Albuquerque Police Department is ramping up its efforts to solve homicides in the city, charging or arresting 47 homicide suspects so far in 2022. 

According to a KOB 4 report, 23 of the suspects charged are linked to homicides that occurred this year, and Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina wants more. 

“I want 100 homicides solved, and I want well over 100 arrests – that’s our goal,” Medina told the news outlet. “One of the big criticisms that APD has faced over the years is our homicide clearance rate has hovered somewhere near around 50% to 60% from year to year, and as of last Friday, our clearance was 97%.”

The police department also charged 24 suspects in connection with homicides that occurred prior to this year, according to KOB. 

Moreover, Medina told KOB 4 that the department has been under fire to increase the number of solved homicides, with only 50% to 60% being solved in past years. 

The 2022 statistics indicate the department is on track to improve its numbers, with KOB reporting more arrests have been made connected to new cases. The TV station noted that the department is on track to solve about 97% of its cases. Medina said in an APD news release that he doesn’t recall so many homicide arrests in such a short period of time. 

“Since the day I took over as chief, I prioritized support for investigations. I also pushed the entire investigations bureau for results,” he said in the APD news release. “These results and these arrests reflect the hard work of the detectives and everyone who supports them. They carry the heaviest burden with these investigations, from start to finish. They deserve the credit for these arrests.”


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