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New Mexico cannabis sales surpassed $2 million on 4/20. | Elsa Olofsson/Pixabay

Thomson: New Mexicans 'celebrated responsibly' first legal 4/20 cannabis holiday with more than $2 million in sales


Sales of cannabis in the Land of Enchantment surpassed $2 million on 4/20, pointing to the conclusion that New Mexicans were happy to take part in the unofficial cannabis holiday legally for the first time.

"Legal cannabis sales have brought 4/20 out of the shadows and into the mainstream of our state's economy," Kristen Thomson, New Mexico's Cannabis Control Division director, told KOB 4 this week. "New Mexicans celebrated responsibly yesterday and came out in strong numbers to celebrate and enjoy high-quality New Mexico products."

New Mexico dispensaries saw double the amount of profits on 4/20 than they would on a typical Wednesday, the news report said. Officials expected to see a spike on the unofficial holiday, and sales reached approximately $2.2 million in total for the day.

Although $2.2 million is more than usual, it still fell short of the $2.7 million the state saw on April 1, the first day marijuana was legally allowed to be sold for recreational use in New Mexico, the report said. 

In the first three weeks that recreational use of marijuana has been legal in New Mexico, the state has seen a total of $25 million in total sales of cannabis, the report said. 


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