Opinions differ on impact of legal cannabis, some medical marijuana has 'doubled in price'

Medical weed
Medical marijuana users claim they are paying more for cannabis since its recreational use was legalized. | Jeff W/Unsplash

Medical marijuana patients say they are now paying much more for the product, a week after recreational marijuana sales started in New Mexico.

Jason Barker, a medical cannabis patient, told KOB 4 he has noticed an increase in prices for his drugs. "In some cases, products that I would purchase for like $23 would now be $38, and in other instances, I've seen products just literally be doubled in price," Barker said.

The long lines at dispensaries as a result of legalization have also impacted those with medical and physical issues. "Some of the patients that are disabled, in a wheelchair, things of that nature, it's gotten a bit more challenging as well," Barker said.

Both the Regulations and Licensing Department's Cannabis Control Division and the Department of Health's Medical Cannabis Program disagreed with the assessment that the price for cannabis products has increased because of legalization. 

"Statewide data show that average medical prices have actually gone down by over 6% since adult-use sales started," the agencies said in a statement sent to KOB 4. "Overall, cannabis retailers are taking their responsibility to serve patients seriously." 

The average price per item was $22.04 on March 29, according to the state. Five days after legalized sales, the average price dropped to $20.70, KOB 4 reported. Prices might fluctuate, but the state has no control over how suppliers set them. Patients should do their own research in seeking lower prices at dispensaries.

The state requires the cannabis industry to reserve 20% of its products for patients and increase the amount of medical cannabis patients can buy, according to KOB 4.

State officials said they will monitor pricing data. Anyone with concerns should contact the state's attorney general’s office or the Cannabis Control Division.