Race car
Street races are affecting residents in Albuquerque. | Adrian N/Unsplash

Illegal street racing terrorizing neighborhoods in Albuquerque, APD ‘can’t get through the parked cars’


Neighborhoods in Albuquerque are becoming havens for illegal street racers, who are creating a hazard. Residents are worried that nothing will be done about the problem until someone is injured or killed. 

People have complained about the noise and other issues that come with the crowds, including gunfire, according to KRQE. Residents who live near the intersection of 98th Street and Dennis Chavez Boulevard told KRQE that the gatherings have been happening for several months and the problems have increased.  

“Even when APD does show up, they can’t do anything because they can’t get through the parked cars,” an unnamed spectator told the news station. “They can't get through the spectators that are blocking their way.”

Local residents have told authorities that the street races go on all night long, making it difficult to sleep. 

Police are called every weekend, according to area residents, who told KRQE they are worried someone is going to be injured or killed. Residents have suggested that barricades or speed bumps should be installed to help with the problem.

Despite attempts by authorities to stop the street racers, the issue is ongoing. KRQE reported that the Albuquerque Police Department has formed a task force to stop the gatherings, which often include a large number of spectators who impede traffic. 


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