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Participants in the AXCES trial will submit to nasal swabs and have blood taken by researchers. | Unsplash

'Move Ahead' trial in Santa Fe aims to lessen COVID-19 spread among household members


The "Move Ahead" trial is looking for people to participate and help find new ways to prevent and treat the coronavirus. 

A research group from Santa Fe, the AXCES, is looking for people to participate in a clinical trial to treat people living in the same household with someone infected with COVID-19, according to KRQE

Participants will submit to nasal swabs and have blood taken by researchers during the trial. 

"The idea is that we can treat the household contacts who are not already ill and try to prevent them from getting COVID in the first place or if they do get COVID to make it a much milder illness," Dr. Linda Gorgos, who is leading the trial, said. 

AXCES Research is also running a study called "Move Out" that uses the same medications to treat people with COVID-19 that have not had to be hospitalized, according to KQRE News. The oral antiviral medication they are testing is called Molnupiravir. The experimental therapy is a potent ribonucleoside analogue that hinders the replication of various ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses such as SARS-CoV-2.

To take part in the trial, you must be 18 years or older and live with an adult or child who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last three days and currently has at least one symptom of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, or loss of taste or smell, according to the study's website


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