New Mexico Business Coalition
Recent News About New Mexico Business Coalition
Weekend Interview: Carla Sonntag’s Mission to Help Businesses and Citizens Build a Better New Mexico
Carla Sonntag, president and CEO of the New Mexico Business Coalition, is no stranger to the challenges her home state faces. Born and raised in New Mexico, she loves the state’s culture, people, and landscape. However, her frustration with ineffective policies nearly drove her to leave 16 years ago. Instead, she says that after much prayer and reflection she decided to stay and fight for change. “There is no perfect place, so why not stay and make this better?” she asks.
NMBC announces poll findings on public concerns over crime
The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) has released a poll highlighting public concerns over crime, support for stricter penalties, opposition to House Bill 275 on income tax repeal, and worries about border security.
New study warns of job losses if Trump-era tax reforms expire
A recent study by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) highlights potential economic impacts if Congress does not renew the tax reforms enacted in 2017.
NMBC announces 2024 Heroes Banquet to honor fallen first responders
The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) has announced the 2024 Heroes Banquet in collaboration with Rebound New Mexico (RNM). The event will honor the families of fallen first responders who died in the line of duty this year.
New Mexico Business Coalition: 'New Mexico is ranked worst in the nation, again, for child well-being'
New Mexico has again found itself at the bottom of the national child well-being rankings. According to the annual Kids Count report released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation on June 14, New Mexico ranked 50th among all states.
Better Together New Mexico gathers signatures so citizens have ‘the opportunity to fully understand what has happened to their rights and has the opportunity to sign the petition’
The CEO of Better Together New Mexico, Carla Sonntag, thinks the organization is gaining momentum in ways that could impact the laws of New Mexico.
Business Coalition BASH event in Albuquerque: ‘a great opportunity for New Mexicans to stay informed about the new changes happening in the state'
The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is planning its BASH (Business and Social Hour) to be held on Thursday, May 4, at Revel Entertainment in Albuquerque.
Socialized utility rates mean another tax on working families
New Mexico is ranked the third poorest state in the nation with a poverty rate of 17.85% according to World Population Review.
Economist: New Mexico must change to become competitive with neighboring states
American Legislative Exchange Council executive vice president of policy Jonathan Williams, the organization’s chief economist, said New Mexico is sorely in need of a comeback to compete economically with neighboring states.
New Mexico Business Coalition to Congress: 'Responsible withdrawals from the LGPF are key to providing for our children’s education in perpetuity'
The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is calling for Congress to deny changes to the state’s Land Grant Permanent Fund in a letter to New Mexico’s Congressional delegates on Dec. 20, according to a news release.
Adopt a Family Gift Drive: A way to bless Albuquerque families in need
The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) announced that it is hosting the Adopt a Family Gift Drive in Albuquerque, NM through December 13, 2022.
Overly stringent regulations ultimately leave customers in the lurch
Fossil fuels have played a large role in the well being of New Mexico for decades.
New Mexico Business Coalition president on governor's no-show: 'The governor's decision indicated overconfidence at best and arrogance at worst'
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham did not attend a gubernatorial forum for business and community leaders hosted by the New Mexico Business Coalition, the NAIOP and other organizations.
Bearden condemns NMPRC for closed-door meetings that 'spread distrust'
Kathi Bearden, president of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government (NMFOG) Board of Directors, recently criticized the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission's (NMPRC) repeated practice of holding public meetings behind closed doors.
NMBC questions alleged closed-door meetings by NMPRC: 'The frequency of these violations warrants scrutiny'
The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) filed a third complaint with the New Mexico attorney general on Thursday.
Third complaint filed with the AG Office about NM Public Regulation Commission violation
Today the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) filed a third complaint in the last 90 days with the NM Attorney General’s office regarding violations of the NM Open Meetings Act by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (Commission).
New Mexico Business Coalition's Sonntag: Zoning amendment 'could produce significant economic development opportunities for Valencia County'
The Valencia County Commission is scheduled to meet on Thursday to discuss an amendment to the Natural Resource Overlay Zone that would allow for natural resource development.
Proposal for state-run New Mexico utilities met with skepticism, pushback against 'further jurisdiction over us'
In New Mexico, pressure is building from some for the state to provide state-run utilities in an effort to make them more affordable and accessible.
Albuquerque to celebrate Veterans Day at the Veterans Memorial
The city of Albuquerque is organizing a Veterans Day celebration on Thursday, which will include a parade, musical tributes and ceremonies for living and fallen veterans.
Concerns, hopes abound after New Mexico legalized marijuana; 'get ready'
Both chambers of the New Mexico Legislature passed a bill legalizing and regulating recreational cannabis use on May 31, and the Cannabis Regulation Act passed the state House by a 38-32 vote, the New Mexico Business Coalition reported.