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New Mexico State Rep. John Block will speak at the New Mexico Business Coalition's BASH event on May 4. | Facebook/John Block

Business Coalition BASH event in Albuquerque: ‘a great opportunity for New Mexicans to stay informed about the new changes happening in the state'


The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is planning its Post-Legislative BASH (Business and Social Hour) to be held on Thursday, May 4, at Revel Entertainment in Albuquerque.

“This event presents a great opportunity for New Mexicans to stay informed about the new changes happening in the state as a result of the session, while also hearing from legislators who fought hard during the session,” New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) President Carla Sonntag said in a press release. 

The event will feature a legislative update from Sonntag, who will provide attendees with key takeaways from the recent legislative session as well as reactions from people across the state. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to hear from State Sen. David Gallegos (R-Eunice) and State Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo), both of whom advocated for New Mexicans during the session.

The event will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at Revel Entertainment, which is located at 4720 Alexander Blvd. NE. For the price of a ticket, visitors will receive a copy of the annual “Rich States Poor States” book while supplies last, food from Le Chantilly Bakery & Café, admission to several venues at Revel Entertainment Center and the availability of a cash bar.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Seating is limited and early registration is encouraged at this link. There is still time to become a sponsor by clicking here for information.

Event sponsors include John Thomas Jewelers, Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico (IPANM), Jump4Fun, Farm Credit of New Mexico, and Enrique C. Knell Communications. For information, contact NMBC at 505-836-4223 or nmbiz@nmbizcoalition.org. 

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is a nonpartisan, pro-business organization that operates across the state and serves as the state affiliate for the National Association of Manufacturing, the press release said. The organization is dedicated to creating a better business environment for companies and enhancing the quality of life for all New Mexicans. For more information, visit nmbizcoalition.org. 


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