New Mexico Sun

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Native groups urge equal treatment for tribal nations in U.S. appellate courts

The Native American Rights Fund (NARF), the National Congress of American Indians, and the Northern Plains Indian Law Center at the University of North Dakota School of Law (NPILC) are advocating for a change in how federally-recognized Tribal...

New Mexico House passes family wellness leave act amid financial concerns

Today, the New Mexico House of Representatives approved HB 11, known as the Welcome Child and Family Wellness Leave Act.

Turquoise Alert Bill passes unanimously in New Mexico Senate

In a significant development, the New Mexico Senate has unanimously passed Senate Bill 41, known as the Turquoise Alert Bill.

Power The Future announces New Mexico Delegation votes to keep natural gas tax

Power The Future announced that New Mexico’s congressional delegation voted to uphold President Biden’s natural gas tax, despite both the U.S. House and Senate voting to repeal it.

NM House Republicans address HB 8 crime legislation

New Mexico House Republicans have announced that Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has signed House Bill 8, the Democratic crime package, into law.

Former Las Cruces mayor Miyagishima forms committee for governor candidacy

Former Las Cruces Mayor Ken Miyagishima has announced the formation of an exploratory committee to evaluate a potential run for Governor of New Mexico.

NM FAM announces the Detransitioner Protection Act

The New Mexico Family Action Movement (NM FAM) has announced the introduction of SB500, known as the Detransitioner Protection Act.

EQNM provides updates on legislative progress amidst challenges

Yza and Chiara, legislative fellows from EQNM, provided an update on recent developments in the legislative session.

New Mexico House committee votes down anti-oil and gas bill

House Bill 481, which sought to impose retroactive liability on past owners of oil wells in New Mexico, was voted down by the House Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee.

Main Library marks half-century milestone with celebrations

The Main Library of the Public Library of Albuquerque/Bernalillo County celebrated its 50th anniversary on February 22.

House passes paid family medical leave bill amid business opposition

The House of Representatives has passed House Bill 11, which proposes paid family and medical leave, forwarding it to the Senate with a vote of 38-31.

New Mexico Senate approves comprehensive wildlife management bill

Senate Bill 5, a significant piece of legislation concerning wildlife management, has been approved by the New Mexico State Senate.

New Mexico faces legislative push affecting oil and gas industry

Despite the $13 billion generated annually in state revenue by the oil and gas industry, politicians in Santa Fe are advancing legislation that would impact the sector.

New Mexico Senate passes Turquoise Alert Bill for Indigenous community safety

The New Mexico Senate has passed the Turquoise Alert Bill, a measure designed to enhance public safety and improve the response to missing persons cases within Indigenous communities.

Chamber leaders discuss legislative priorities including crime bills and family leave act

Terri Cole, President and CEO of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, recently discussed legislative progress in New Mexico during an appearance on the Albuquerque Journal's Business Outlook podcast.

Executive director of NM FAM: SB 500 helps ''families remain at the center of medical care'

Jodi Hendricks, executive director of the New Mexico Family Action Movement (NMFAM), said that Senate Bill 500 ensures families remain central to medical decisions affecting children.

Leadership Albuquerque explores workings of New Mexico government

Leadership Albuquerque participants recently experienced a comprehensive tour of government operations in New Mexico.

New Mexico House considers bill on paid family and medical leave

Paid Family and Medical Leave is a necessity for workers, according to advocates in New Mexico.

House passes paid family medical leave bill amid business opposition

The House has passed House Bill 11, which aims to provide paid family and medical leave, moving it forward to the Senate.

State Rep. Block on House Bill 36: 'I'm incredibly proud to be a primary sponsor'

John Block, representative for New Mexico's District 51, expressed his pride in being a primary sponsor of House Bill 36, which aims to expand optometrists' duties and enhance their ability to perform minor procedures.