Mimi Stewart, Senate President Pro Tem | Senate Democrats
The New Mexico Senate has concurred with the House of Representatives on amendments to Senate Bill 82, concerning public school capital outlay changes. The bill now awaits the governor's signature to become law.
In other legislative activities, several bills were passed by the Senate. Senate Bill 377, regarding NM United license plates, was approved with a vote of 37-2. Senate Bill 247, which involves the publication of certain educational information, passed unanimously with a 39-0 vote.
House Bill 214, known as the Doula Credentialing & Access Act, received unanimous support and passed with a vote of 37-0. House Bill 66, addressing workers' compensation changes, saw more debate but ultimately passed with a vote of 25-14.
Additional measures included House Bill 308, aimed at removing MRGCD from the Local Election Act; it was approved unanimously at 38-0. House Bill 175 focused on forest and watershed buffer projects and passed with a vote of 36-0. Lastly, House Bill 161 proposed state park day passes for veterans and also received unanimous approval at 39-0.