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NM Senate Republicans hold hearing on House Bill 8


New Mexico Senate Republicans announced they held a Senate floor hearing for House Bill 8, with amendments proposed by Republicans blocked by Senate Democrats. A designated time for media inquiries was scheduled afterward. The announcement was made in a press release on February 21, 2025.

According to the New Mexico Senate Republicans, several amendments were proposed during the Senate hearing to improve the House Bill 8 crime package. These amendments included measures to prevent the release of violent criminals awaiting trial, hold property owners accountable for criminal activity on their property, expand the scope of ‘serious youthful offender’ to address juvenile crime, add penalties for felons possessing stolen firearms, and create a crime of 'Swatting.' Democrats voted against all proposed amendments.

The New Mexico Legislature states that House Bill 8, introduced by Christine Chandler, Joy Garratt, Cynthia Borrego, Kathleen Cates, and Charlotte Little, addresses competency evaluations for defendants in criminal cases. The bill mandates that evaluation reports include a professional opinion on the defendant’s ability to stand trial and whether they meet the criteria for involuntary commitment or outpatient treatment if deemed incompetent. It also allows for community-based restoration for non-dangerous defendants.

"House Bill 8 is a small step forward in terms of improving public safety," said Senate Republican Leader Bill Sharer in a statement. Sharer expressed disappointment that Democrats voted against Republican attempts to improve the package and hold violent criminals accountable. He said: "Democrats continually kill our proposals and bottle up our bills in committee, and yet somehow New Mexico is supposed to believe they are ‘addressing crime?’ New Mexicans, the Governor, District Attorneys, law enforcement officers, and even criminals see this for what it is: Democrats are all talk and no action on improving public safety. They would rather give lip service to public safety needs than actually address our state’s crime epidemic."

The New Mexico Senate Republicans emphasize their focus on representing their constituents' values, protecting rights, and working towards a safer future for current and future generations of New Mexicans as said on their Facebook page.


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