New Mexico Sun

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Senator Jim Townsend |, New Mexico Sun

OPINION: What is Good Public Policy


Good public policy occurs when you deploy law through legislation to the people to govern themselves and their families as they so desire; providing a safe community, fair laws, and the opportunity to thrive to the best of their ability.

That is where this country started and why it started. Our ancestors desired the freedom to worship freely, to be governed by elected representatives, and to prevent taxation without representation. In order for that to occur, they participated actively in their representation.

Today, in the New Mexico Legislature, several measures are progressing through the Legislature that are, in my opinion, not good public policy.

Senate Bill 4, Senate Bill 48 and Senate Bill 49 are not measures that better the lives of my constituents. They will reduce jobs in the energy sector, increase the cost of living for my constituents, and incur higher taxes going forward. All three of these measures are sponsored by Senator Mimi Stewart.

Senate Bill 4 is a direct attack on the Oil and Gas Industry. It is a bill that supports only special interest groups that oppose fossil fuels. It will hurt my constituents and the companies that employ them. It enshrines in statute the “Green New Deal.” Vague and poorly defined statutes grant authority to agencies to politically promulgate rules, and they easily overstep their jurisdiction and authority, that is exactly what this bill does. Politically motivated rules and regulations are poor public policy regardless of which political party happens to be in control. The People as a whole should be considered not special interest groups.

Senate Bill 48 is exactly the same type of measure, it is entitled “Community Benefit Fund," but I promise you, it is no benefit to my community. It reduces combustion engine vehicles, transitions public transportation to electric, and spends $340,000,000 annually on issues directly attacking the oil and gas industry. It requires $100,000,000 annually to build additional power lines caused by the unstable renewable generation, a much hidden cost, and how could I forget $50,000,000 for charging stations and electric bicycles. (Boy we need them to get to work in the oilfields, or to check our cattle in pastures). The Audubon Society, The Animal Protection Voters, the NM Sierra Club and The Defenders of Wildlife are the type of special interest groups that support this legislation.

Public Policy should be good for all of the public. What Senator Stewart's bills do is attack our way of life and our industries that employ thousands of people. I’m sure the Sierra Club employs some New Mexicans, but a pittance of what oil and gas does.

During the last general election, the people of America decided enough of the garbage. They wanted real representation, and they spoke up and voted. What I am asking you to do is exactly that, speak up NOW. Call Senator Stewart and tell her NO. Protect your jobs and your children’s future. Enough is enough. It is time New Mexicans stand for their rights and their way of life. It might not be the type of life that Senator Stewart desires for herself, but she has no right to destroy ours. If Senator Stewart wants to deploy her Capital Outlay for electric bicycles in Albuquerque, she has every right to do that but as a taxpayer, I would prefer my taxes to be deployed to protect and facilitate more jobs for my constituents. Her bills, SB 4, 48 and 49 attack and kill jobs for my constituents and I am strongly opposed.

Senator Jim Townsend represents District 34 in the New Mexico Legislature.


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