New Mexico Legislature
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Recent News About New Mexico Legislature
How Gail Armstrong Navigates Leadership, Policy and her Fight for New Mexico
Gail Armstrong has represented District 49 in the New Mexico Legislature for nearly a decade. Appointed in 2017 by Governor Susana Martinez, Armstrong’s journey into politics began when former Speaker of the House Don Tripp encouraged her to run for office. Initially hesitant, she eventually agreed, driven by her passion for solving problems.
Executive director of NM FAM: SB 500 helps ''families remain at the center of medical care'
Jodi Hendricks, executive director of the New Mexico Family Action Movement (NMFAM), said that Senate Bill 500 ensures families remain central to medical decisions affecting children.
OPINION: Money for Classrooms, Not an Expensive Agenda
Once again, some in Santa Fe need a math lesson.
OPINION: Streamline the State’s $10 Billion budget to Help Fund PFMLA
"Don’t judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes." This timeless saying is relevant to several points I wish to discuss.
OPINION: The Veil of "Rules" and the Disenfranchisement of New Mexico's Elected Leaders
In the halls of the New Mexico State Legislature, a scene unfolded this Wednesday that starkly illustrated the widening gulf between the citizens and those selected to represent them.
OPINION: What is Good Public Policy
Good public policy occurs when you deploy law through legislation to the people to govern themselves and their families as they so desire; providing a safe community, fair laws.
OPINION: Examining New Mexico’s HB7: Implications for Parental Consent and Youth Gender Care
In 2023, the NM legislature and Governor signed law HB7, which requires that school districts must not “interfere” in any way with children accessing transgender (and abortion) procedures. Despite what some lawmakers have said about this law, there is no requirement for parental notification and there are no age restrictions for children to access these procedures. Schools can be fined $5,000 per instance if teachers or nurses “interfere” by talking to children's parents about their transgender procedures.
Albuquerque state representative thanks constituents for 'honor of my lifetime'
Retiring New Mexico state Rep. Christine Trujillo (D-Albuquerque) recently thanked her neighbors for trusting her to be a representative for the last 10 years.
Reversing the Homelessness Crisis: Is New Mexico Ready for a Behavioral Health Treatment Court?
On May 22, the NM Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) released a report on the state’s homeless and the affordable housing shortage which included the preliminary estimates of the 2023 Point In Time (PIT) annual homeless count.
Truth of the Referendum Project and the misleading claims of the SOS
During the 2023 legislative session we saw progressive ideals passed by our legislature while family values were offended, and faith values were mocked.
New Mexico Legislature report cites 48% hike in homelessness
The New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee recently issued a report stating that the homeless crisis in New Mexico is deepening, as the homeless population increased 48%.
New Mexico House passes bill to allow distrubution of free menstrual products in public school restrooms
A bill that would fund free menstrual products being available in public school bathrooms has been moved closer to approval by New Mexico lawmakers.
Hickey says SB 273 has 'teeth' to remove barriers to behavioral health and substance abuse treatment
A bill working its way through the New Mexico Senate would prohibit barriers that can impede access to mental health and substance abuse treatment, according to KRQE News.
Retail theft bill blocked in New Mexico House: ‘There is tremendous public desire to address the root causes of this crime epidemic’
State Rep. Bill Rehm (R-Albuquerque) and other GOP leaders are speaking out after a Republican-sponsored bill in the New Mexico House of Representatives targeting retail theft was recently blocked by House Democrats, while a similar bill remains alive.
New Mexico lawmaker backs right to gender-affirming care without fears about reprisals
New Mexico state Rep. Linda Serrato (D-Santa Fe) said she and many others in the state legislature think it matters that citizens have the right to receive gender-affirming care without worrying about reprisals.
New Mexico's Wirth: 'I am incredibly encouraged by this budget because it has spending, but it also has fiscal responsibility'
The new $9.4 billion budget recommendations released by the Legislative Finance Committee include raises for teachers and little extra cash for New Mexico residents.
New Mexico state senator continues to advocate high-speed train service
Las Cruces Senator Bill Soules may not realize his dream of a high-speed train in his state during this legislative session but is eager to lay the foundation to move in that direction.
New Mexico legislator notes danger of damaged sidewalks in poor neighborhoods
State Rep. Miguel Garcia (D-Albuquerque) has filed a bill for the upcoming legislative session that would shift the responsibility for repairing damaged sidewalks.
Godshall: 'Things have to change and that's why I'm running for office'
The Republican nominee for New Mexico's 27th House District Robert Godshall says he'd focus on crime, education, and jobs to move the area forward.
Budget leader wants reduction of personal income taxes, idea ‘is not without its challenges’
The chairwoman of the New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee wants the state’s lawmakers to consider greatly reducing or eliminating taxes on personal income.