Concerns rise over Heinrich and Vasquez's support for green policies

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Tina Dziuk National Committeewoman | Republican Party of New Mexico

Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich and Representative Gabe Vasquez have come under scrutiny for their support of green energy policies, which some argue could compromise America's energy independence. Their opposition to domestic oil and gas production, particularly in New Mexico, raises concerns about increased reliance on foreign oil from countries like Russia and Venezuela.

Critics highlight that Heinrich and Vasquez's backing of initiatives such as the Green New Deal might lead to a transition towards 100% renewable energy. This shift could potentially increase dependency on energy imports from nations that dominate the global energy market, thereby threatening U.S. energy security.

Tina Dziuk, New Mexico RNC Committeewoman, expressed her concerns stating, “By opposing domestic energy production, Heinrich and Vasquez are increasingly making America dependent on foreign oil from countries that don’t have our best interests at heart.” She added that this environmental agenda is weakening national security by undermining energy independence.

Dziuk emphasized the importance of the energy industry to New Mexico's economy, noting its significant contribution to state revenue. "Oil and gas activities in our state provide nearly 50% of the state’s revenue," she said. "New Mexicans need leaders who will continue to fight for our energy independence."