Republican leaders criticize Senator Martin Heinrich's voting record

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Rachel Martinez Financial Coordinator | Republican Party of New Mexico

Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich’s voting record indicates a consistent alignment with progressive policies, drawing criticism from the Republican Party of New Mexico. According to party officials, Heinrich's support for these policies does not reflect the values of his constituents.

Heinrich has voted in agreement with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris 98.77% of the time, including a perfect alignment in 2023 and 2024. “Martin Heinrich’s voting record speaks for itself,” said Leticia Muñoz, Executive Director of the Republican Party of New Mexico. “Instead of representing the values of New Mexico, he’s in lockstep with the Biden-Harris administration’s extreme, far-left agenda that hurts New Mexican families.”

One policy highlighted by critics is Heinrich’s support for Medicare for All. They argue this plan would eliminate private health insurance for millions, affecting thousands in New Mexico by reducing choices and potentially worsening outcomes.

“Martin Heinrich stopped caring about New Mexico long ago when he discovered he could line his pockets by voting against the best interests of his state,” Muñoz added. “Heinrich and Kamala Harris are two radical peas in a pod. Both have never delivered real results and if elected, New Mexicans will be kicked off their private insurance plans, given limited choices, and higher costs. New Mexicans simply cannot afford the out-of-touch Harris-Heinrich agenda.”