DHS report reveals increase in missing migrant children amid criticism from GOP

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Drew Degner CD-3 Vice Chair | Republican Party of New Mexico

A new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report reveals that hundreds of thousands of migrant children are missing or unaccounted for in the United States. The whistleblower report warns that many of these children "are considered at higher risk for trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor."

Last year, it was reported that the Biden and Harris administration lost track of 85,000 migrant children. The number of missing children has now more than tripled since then.

Democratic Representative Gabe Vasquez, who represents New Mexico’s second congressional district, a border district, has a consistent record of voting against condemning Biden and Harris's open border policies and voting against legislation that would shut down the border and hold child traffickers accountable.

Additionally, Vasquez has continually tried to downplay the consequences of the open border as it grew into a full-fledged crisis. He recently went to the U.S.-Mexico border to try to prove there were no illegal crossings, only to come in contact with multiple men crossing at that very moment.

Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce commented on Vasquez's actions: "Democratic Representative Gabe Vasquez has enabled hundreds of thousands of migrant children to go missing while child sex and labor traffickers get away free in New Mexico."

Pearce further stated: "Vasquez voted against closing the border, against hiring more CBP agents and against detaining illegal immigrants who have been charged with committing crimes in the U.S."

Pearce concluded by contrasting Vasquez with Republican Yvette Herrell: "New Mexico families cannot trust Gabe Vasquez to keep their children and their communities safe. In stark contrast, when she’s elected, Republican Yvette Herrell will work to close the border, equip border patrol, and hold all dangerous criminals accountable."