Republican-led states ask Supreme Court to block EPA’s methane regulation

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Jim Winchester Executive Director | Independent Petrolium Association of New Mexico

A coalition of Republican-led states is requesting the Supreme Court to stop the Biden administration’s initiative to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas production. The group, consisting of 23 state attorneys general and Arizona’s GOP-led Legislature, seeks to prevent the implementation of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule that mandates oil and gas wells control leaks of methane, a significant contributor to global warming.

Their appeal follows a lower court's decision not to intervene. This action is part of ongoing efforts by Republican-led states to challenge pollution and climate regulations through the Supreme Court.

The states contend that the EPA has exceeded its authority with this rule. They argue that while the federal government can set emission limits, this specific rule imposes overly detailed requirements on how states should achieve methane emission reductions.
