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University invites registration for annual New Mexico Data Users Conference


Kimberly Sanchez Rael, Chair of the Board of Regents at the University of New Mexico | The University of New Mexico

Registration is now open for the 26th annual New Mexico Data Users Conference, organized by the Data Bank at the University of New Mexico's Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER). The event will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 20, and aims to provide a platform for learning, sharing, and networking around data. The conference will cover both U.S. Census Bureau data and local New Mexico data sources.

The Data Users Conference is recognized as New Mexico’s premier forum for both novice and professional data users in the state and nearby regions. It offers valuable insights for individuals involved in grant work, economic development, Census data analysis, or state research. Participants from private businesses, government agencies, service organizations, information providers, researchers, and students across New Mexico are encouraged to attend.

This year's conference includes several notable presentations:

- "New Mexico Population Estimates and Projections" by Robert Rhatigan and Jacqueline A. Miller from UNM Geospatial Population Studies.

- A review of New Mexico's recent economic performance and a short-term economic outlook by BBER’s director Michael O’Donnell during lunch.

- "Census Tribal Data" explained by Charles Tippeconnic, Denver Regional Tribal Partnership Specialist for the U.S. Census Bureau.

- Tips on using data.census.gov to access Census Bureau data from KaNin Reese, Chief of the Dissemination Outreach Branch at the U.S. Census Bureau.

- "New Mexico Labor Market Information tools and occupational projections" delivered by Raymond Sena from N.M. Department of Workforce Solutions.

- AI updates from Todd Quinn, UNM Business Librarian.

- Education Data with Dawn Kenny from CNM.

- "Census Business Builder Tool" explained by Nidaal Jubran from the U.S. Census Bureau.

- Mapping and GIS Resources with Shawn Penman from UNM Earth Data Analysis Center.

Registration fees vary based on timing: $65 per person through September (including breakfast and lunch), $80 per person from Oct. 1 through Nov. 6, and $90 per person for last-minute registration including the day of the event.

Interested participants can register or view a complete conference schedule on BBER's website.

For more information, contact the BBER Data Bank at (505) 277-3038 or email Data Bank manager Suzan Reagan at sreagan@unm.edu.


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