Community center renamed after Reynaluz Juarez in Albuquerque

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Mayor Tim Keller, City of Albuquerque | City of Albuquerque

Today in Albuquerque, Mayor Tim Keller joined community leaders and family members of Reynaluz Juarez to rename the Whittier Community Center in honor of the longtime community organizer and advocate for the International District. Juarez was a dedicated supporter of youth and families until her passing in February 2022. This dedication is part of the ABQ Stories of Us project, an initiative designed to honor individuals who have significantly impacted Albuquerque's history and improved the lives of its residents.

Juarez was recognized for her vibrant spirit and commitment to bettering her community. During the pandemic, she organized vaccine drives, food distributions, and helped connect families with necessary resources. She advocated tirelessly for better representation and support for working-class individuals and people of color.

“We are working every day to achieve the vision that Reynaluz had for the International District,” said Mayor Tim Keller. “She is deeply missed, but her legacy lives on. Through this renaming, the families of this community will continue to learn about her work, and all that she did to make this a better place for everyone.”

Juarez played a key role in renaming the International District in 2009. She served as a community school coordinator for Whittier Elementary, led the South San Pedro Neighborhood Association, and worked with the International District Healthy Communities Coalition. Her name translates to "Queen" (Reyna) "of Light" (luz), reflecting her enduring legacy as a guiding light in her community.