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City of Santa Fe Planning Commission will meet Sept. 5


City of Santa Fe Planning Commission will meet Sept. 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:






a. August 1, 2024


a. Case #2023-7079. Bungalows on Cerrillos Development Plan.

b. Case #2023-7662. Bungalows on Cerrillos variance (Setback).

c. Case #2023-7663. Bungalows on Cerrillos variance (Slopes).


a. Case #2023-7653. Vacation of a 44’ wide Public Right-of-Way. Karl Sommer, Agent, for 21 Club Holdings LLC, Owner, requests approval to vacate a 44’ public Right-of-Way (Bel Canto Way) within Phase 4E Monte Sereno Subdivision located West of Highway 285, North of Tano Road, and within the Suburban Archaeological Review District. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, daesquibel@santafenm.gov) (TO BE POSTPONED)



a. City of Santa Fe Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines – Erik Aune, AICP, Director Santa Fe MPO


a. Case #2024-7899. Las Soleras Master Plan Amendment. Orion-West LLC., Agent for Beckner Road Partnership, LLC, Owner, requests a Master Plan Amendment to the Las Soleras Master Plan to change the zoning from MU (Mixed Use), BIP (Business Industrial Park), and C-1 (General Office) to C-2 (General Commercial). Additionally, they seek to reduce the width of the 90-foot Utility, Access, and Trail Corridor (La Rambla Trail) to 45 feet. The property is located southeast of the Las Soleras / Beckner Rd roundabout, south of the Rail Runner Rd / Beckner Rd roundabout, and on the south side of Beckner Rd, encompassing Parcels 19-26 within the Las Soleras Master Plan. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, daesquibel@santafenm.gov)

b. Case # 2024-7898. Las Soleras Master Plan Tracts 21, 23, 24, and 26 General Plan Amendment. Orion-West LLC., agent for Beckner Road Partnership, LLC, Owner, requests approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the existing General Plan Future Land Use Map designation for Tracts 21 and 26, comprising approximately 8.18 acres, located at the southeast quadrant of the Las Soleras / Beckner Road roundabout. Additionally, a General Plan Amendment is requested to change the existing General Plan Future Land Use Map designation for Tracts 23 and 24, comprising 13.45 acres, located at the southeast quadrant of the Las Soleras / Beckner Road roundabout, from Commercial Office Use to Community Commercial. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, daesquibel@santafenm.gov)

c. Case # 2024-7900. Las Soleras Master Plan Tracts 21, 23, 24, and 26 Rezoning. Orion-West LLC., Agent for Beckner Road Partnership, LLC, Orion-West LLC., agent for Beckner Road Partnership, LLC, Owner, requests approval of a rezoning to change the Official Zoning Land Use Map designation for Tracts 21 and 26, comprising approximately 8.18 acres, located at the southeast quadrant of the Las Soleras / Beckner Road roundabout. Additionally, a rezoning is requested to change the existing Official Zoning Map designation for Tracts 23 and 24, comprising 13.45 acres, located at the southeast quadrant of the Las Soleras / Beckner Road roundabout, from C-1 (General Office) Use to C-2 (General Commercial). (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, daesquibel@santafenm.gov)

d. Case #2024-8852. Las Soleras Master Plan Tract 19 General Plan Amendment. Orion-West LLC., agent for Beckner Road Partnership, LLC, requests approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the existing General Plan Future Land Use designation for approximately 9.11 acres from Transitional Mixed Use to Community Commercial. The property, known as Tract 19 of the Las Soleras Master Plan, and is located southwest of the Walking Rain Road / Beckner Road roundabout. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, daesquibel@santafenm.gov)

e. Case #2024-8853. Las Soleras Master Plan Tract 19 Rezoning. Orion West LLC., agent for Beckner Road Partnership, LLC, requests approval of a Rezoning to change the existing Official Zoning Land Use Map designation for approximately 9.11 acres from MU (Mixed Use) Use to C 2 (General Commercial). The property, known as Tract 19 of the Las Soleras Master Plan, and is located southwest of the Walking Rain Road / Beckner Road roundabout. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, daesquibel@santafenm.gov)

f. Case #2024-8854. Las Soleras Master Plan Tract 20 General Plan Amendment. Orion-West LLC., agent for Beckner Road Partnership, LLC, requests approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the existing General Plan Future Land Use designation for approximately 10.70 acres from Commercial Business Use to Community Commercial. The property, known as Tract 20 of the Las Soleras Master Plan, and is located south of the Rail Runner Loop. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, daesquibel@santafenm.gov)

g. Case #2024-8855. Las Soleras Master Plan Tract 20 Rezoning. Orion West LLC., agent for Beckner Road Partnership, LLC, requests approval of a Rezoning to change the existing Official Zoning Land Use Map designation for approximately 10.70 acres from BIP (Business Industrial Park) Use to C-2 (General Commercial). The property, known as Tract 20 of the Las Soleras Master Plan, and is located southwest of the Walking Rain Road / Beckner Road roundabout. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, daesquibel@santafenm.gov)

h. Case #2024-8523. 235 West San Francisco Street, Variance. Sommer Karnes & Associates LLP, Agent for G.E. Senlic, LLC., owners and applicant requests a variance to SFCC 1987, Section 14.8-6(C)(2)b to allow off-site parking more than 600 feet from the property within the Business Commercial District. The property is zoned Business Commercial District, within the Lensic Subdistrict, with an approved 70 room hotel (Case #2019-1535) on .99-acre property. (Carly Venditti, Case Manager, cavenditti@santafenm.gov) (TO BE POSTPONED TO OCTOBER 3, 2024)

i. Case #2024-8342. 4851 Hart Road Development Plan. NM Land Solutions LLC, Agent, for ODY- HFS Partners LLP, Owner, requests approval of a development plan to establish development standards for 2 warehouses totaling 63,920 SF on a 9.755 Acre lot located at 4851 Hart Road. The property is zoned I-1 (Light Industrial) and is within the River and Trails Archeological Review District. (Daniel Alvarado, Case Manager, djalvarado@santafenm.gov, 955-6670).

j. Case #2024-8343. 4851 Hart Road Terrain Management Variance. NM Land Solutions LLC, Agent, for ODY- HFS Partners LLP, Owner, requests approval of a variance to the Terrain Management standards located in SFCC Ch. 14-8.2(D)(2)(b) to disturb natural slopes of thirty-percent or greater to develop 2 warehouses totaling 63,920 SF on a 9.755 Acre lot located at 4851 Hart Road. The property is zoned I-1 (Light Industrial) and is within the River and Trails Archeological Review District. (Daniel Alvarado, Case Manager, djalvarado@santafenm.gov, 955-6670).



Persons with disabilities in need of accommodations, contact the City Clerk’s office at 955-6521, five (5) working days prior to meeting date.



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