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City of Santa Fe Governing Body met Aug. 28


City of Santa Fe Governing Body met Aug. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:



Councilor Lindell


Councilor Romero-Wirth


Councilor Lee Garcia




Wednesday, August 28, 2024

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a. Request for Approval of the August 14, 2024 Regular Governing Body Meeting Minutes. (Geralyn Cardenas, Interim City Clerk; gfcardenas@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

b. Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Item #22-0541 State of New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department Capital Appropriation Project Grant Agreement to Extend the Term through June 30, 2025 to Plan, Design, Construct, Equip and Furnish the Mary Esther Gonzales Senior Center. (Manuel Sanchez, Senior Services Division Director; mnsanchez@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review

Quality of Life Committee: 08/21/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

c. Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Item #23-0013 State of New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department Capital Appropriation Project Grant Agreement to Extend the Term through June 30, 2025 to Plan and Design a New Senior Center in Santa Fe. (Manuel Sanchez, Senior Services Division Director; mnsanchez@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review

Quality of Life Committee: 08/21/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

d. Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Item #22-0514 State of New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department Capital Appropriation Project Grant Agreement to Extend the Term through June 30, 2025 to Purchase and Equip Vehicles for the Mary Esther Gonzales Senior Center. (Manuel Sanchez, Senior Services Division Director; mnsanchez@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 08/21/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

e. Request for Approval of Title III Federal and State Sub-Award #2024-25- 60026 with North Central New Mexico Economic Development District Non-Metro Area Agency on Aging for Services Determined by the Agency to be Satisfactorily Provided Under Title III B of the Older Americans Act in the Total Amount of $850,443.93 through June 30, 2025. (Manuel Sanchez, Division of Senior Services Director; mnsanchez@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 08/21/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

f. Request for Approval of Nutrition Service Incentive Program Sub Award #2024-25-60026-N with North Central New Mexico Economic Development District Non-Metro Area Agency on Aging for Nutrition Congregate and Home Delivered Meals Provided Under Title IIIC of the Older Americans Act in the Total Amount of $115,292 Through June 30, 2025. (Manuel Sanchez, Senior Services Division Director; mnsanchez@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 08/21/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

g. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) increasing FY25 Revenue and Expenses for the NM Agency on Aging, Senior Nutrition Programs in the Total Amount of $68,000.

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 08/21/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

h. Request for Approval of the State of New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration Capital Appropriation Project Grant Agreement 22- G3017 in the Amount of $1,100,000 to Improve Infrastructure to Support Redevelopment at Midtown with a Reversion Date of June 30, 2026. (Tim Farrell, Public Works Property Development Manager; tgfarrell@santafenm.gov and Karen Iverson, Metropolitan Redevelopment Director; kriverson@santafenm.gov)

1. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $1,100,000 from the 2022 Capital Appropriation to FY25 Revenue and Expenses for the Midtown Redevelopment Project.

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/19/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

i. Request for Approval of the State of New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration Capital Appropriation Project Grant Agreement 23- H3203 in the Amount of $4,900,000 to Improve Infrastructure to Support Redevelopment at Midtown with a Reversion Date of June 30, 2027. (Tim Farrell, Public Works Property Development Manager; tgfarrell@santafenm.gov: Karen Iverson, Metropolitan Redevelopment Director; kriverson@santafenm.gov)

1. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $4,900,000 from the 2023 Capital Appropriation to FY25 Revenue and Expenses for the Midtown Redevelopment Project.

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/19/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

j. Request for Approval of Disposition/Disposal of Tangible Physical Property in the Total Depreciated Salvage Amount of $44,311.46 for Approximately 16,048 Books to be Donated to the Correction Facilities of the New Mexico State Penitentiary, the Santa Fe County Detention Center, and the Santa Fe Boys and Girls Club. (Margaret Neill, Library Division Director; mmneill@santafenm.gov: Therese Martinez, Project Administrator; txmartinez@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 08/21/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

k. Request for Approval of a Construction Agreement with Davenport Construction Management, LLC. In the Total Amount of $4,000,000 for On-Call General Contracting Services for the Santa Fe Regional Airport through June 30, 2027. (James Garduño, Project Manager; jdgarduno@santafenm.gov and James Harris, Airport Manager; jcharris@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities: 08/19/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

l. Request for Approval of a Software Contract with Routematch Software, LLC to Provide Scheduling, Tracking, and Planning Software for the Transit Division in the Total Amount of $231,976.76 Plus NMGRT through November 30, 2025. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/19/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

m. Request for Approval of State of New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration Capital Appropriation Project Agreement in the Amount of $100,000 for the Harrison Road Sidewalk and Lighting Improvements Project with a Reversion Date of June 30, 2026. (Romella Glorioso Moss, Complete Streets Capital Projects Manger; rsglorioso moss@santafenm.gov)

1. Request for Approval of Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Budget $100,000 into FY 25 Revenue and Expenses for the Harrison Road Sidewalk and Lighting Improvements Project.

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/19/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

n. Request for Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Bohannan Huston Inc. to Provide On-Call General Engineering Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $5,409,375 Including NMGRT for Four Years. (Romella Glorioso-Moss, Complete Streets Capital Projects Manager, rsglorioso-moss@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/19/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

o. Request for the Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Item #24-0255 City Wide Price Agreement with Safeware, Inc. in the Total Amount of $1,000,000.00 for Public Safety, Preparedness, Safety Equipment & Solutions to Amend the Compensation Terms in the Contract, Specifying that Payment Will Depend on Budget Availability at the Time of Purchase. (Travis Dutton-Leyda, Chief Procurement Officer; tkduttonleyda@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

p. Request for Approval of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Land Use Case No. Case #2023-7207, in which the Governing Body Adopted Resolution 2024-13 to Amend the General Plan and Future Land Use Map Designation on +/- 4.36 Acres Located at 1941 Caja del Oro Grant Road from Residential Mountain and Rural Protection Area (Residential - One (1) Dwelling Unit per 10 Acres) to Community Commercial. (Rebecca Mnuk-Herrmann, Assistant City Attorney: ramnukherrmann@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

q. Request for Approval of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Land Use Case No. #2023-7208, in which the Governing Body Adopted Bill 2024-01, to rezone +/- 4.36 Acres Located at 1941 Caja del Oro Grant Road from R-1 (Single Family One (1) Dwelling per Acre) to C-2 (General Commercial). (Rebecca Mnuk-Herrmann, Assistant City Attorney: ramnukherrmann@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

r. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Councilor Jamie Cassutt)

A Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Beer and Wine During Mojo Go LLC’s Reds and Greens True Bluesfest on October 5, 2024, at Villa Linda Park From 12pm to 6pm, Pursuant to Subsection 23- 6.2(c) SFCC 1987. (Geralyn F. Cardenas, Interim City Clerk: gfcardenas@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body (Introduction): 08/14/2024

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/19/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/21/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

s. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Councilor Signe Lindell)

A Resolution Approving a Public Fireworks Display During the Burning of Zozobra Celebration on August 30, 2024, and, if Necessary for Proper Disposal, the Discharge of Unused Fireworks on August 31, 2024. (Geronimo Griego, Fire Marshal; gggriego@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/21/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024


a. Approval of the Committee Review Schedule for the Resolution Pertaining to the Soldiers’ Monument. (Erin McSherry, City Attorney:ekmcsherry@santafenm.gov)

b. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $1,500,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Moving Costs and Necessary Office Modifications to Allow for Relocation of the Planning & Land Use Department Staff from City Hall to the Market Station Offices in the Railyard. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/19/2024

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

c. Request for Approval of a Construction Services Contract with Davenport Construction Management, LLC to Demolish the Pedestrian Footbridge at Closson St. for an Amount Not to Exceed $219,753 Inclusive of NMGRT. (Scott Overlie, Parks and Open Space Project Administrator;saoverlie@santafenm.gov)

1. Request for Approval of a Budget Adjustment Resolution (BAR) for $219,753 from ½% GRT Infrastructure Reserves for Emergency Repairs to Parks WIP Construction.

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

d. Request for Approval of the First Amendment to Item #23-0459 Cooperative Project Agreement – Construction Work Control No. S100770 with New Mexico Department of Transportation for the Tierra Contenta Trail Extension to Extend the Term through December 30, 2025. (Romella Glorioso-Moss, Complete Streets Capital Projects Manager, rsglorioso-moss@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024

e. Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Increase the Original Contract Amount with Arthur J. Gallagher Brokerage Services to reflect current insurance premiums in the Amount of $4,372,167.27 for Fiscal Year 2025 and $8,819,805.37 for Previous Years. (Melanie Lovato, Risk Manager; mylovato@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 08/26/2024

Governing Body: 08/28/2024




In Accordance with the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, NMSA 1978, Subpart (H)(7) of Section 10-15-1, Attorney-Client Privileged Discussion of Pending and Threatened Litigation, in Particular, Potential Litigation Regarding Reservoir Construction and Union Protectiva de Santa Fe vs. Mayor Alan Webber and the City of Santa Fe, D-101- CV-2021-01373. (Erin K. McSherry, City Attorney; ekmcsherry@santafenm.gov).


a. Approval of a Concurrent Conflict of Interest Waiver for Attorney Randy Bartell from Spencer Fane to Represent the City of Santa Fe While Awaiting Final Disposition Of Settled Matter With Potential Defendant In Reservoir Construction Matter. (Erin K. McSherry, City Attorney; ekmcsherry@santafenm.gov)




a. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth and Councilor Jamie Cassutt)

A Resolution Recognizing the Devastating Impact of Covid-19 (SARS CoV-2); Honoring the Sacrifices that Essential Workers Have Made to Protect and Save Lives in their Communities; and Declaring Support for a Permanent Covid-19 Memorial to be Located in New Mexico to Honor the Victims of Covid-19. (Marci Eannarino, Legislation and Policy Innovation Manager; maeannarino@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body (Introduced): 08/28/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 09/04/2024

Governing Body: 09/11/2024

b. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth)

A Resolution Authorizing Submission of an Application to the New Mexico Finance Authority for Financial Assistance and Project Approval for Upgrades to the Canyon Road Water Treatment Plant. (Clinton Peterson, Engineer, Public Utilities; cdpeterson@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body (Introduced): 08/28/2024

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 09/03/2024

Finance Committee: 09/09/2024

Governing Body: 09/11/2024

c. CONSIDERATION OF BILL 2024-24. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 2024-____. (Councilor Signe Lindell and Mayor Alan Webber).

A Bill Relating to Marty Sanchez Links de Santa Fe; Amending Sections 23-7.3 and 23-7.4 of SFCC 1987 to Update Golf Rates. (Melissa McDonald, Parks and Open Space Division Director, mamcdonald@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body (Introduced): 08/28/2024

Governing Body (Public Comment): 09/11/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 09/18/2024

Finance Committee: 09/23/2024

Governing Body (Public Hearing): 10/09/2024


18. PUBLIC COMMENT ON BILLS (First Public Comment, No Action) 19. FINAL ACTION ON LEGISLATION (Public Hearing)

20. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Land Use Cases, Appeals, and Other Items Required to Have a Public Hearing)



Closed captions are provided for this meeting. Persons with disabilities in need fo additional accommodations, contact the City Clerk’s office at 505-955-6521, five (5) working days prior to meeting date.



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