Albuquerque adds new amenities to enhance local parks

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Mayor Tim Keller, City of Albuquerque | City of Albuquerque

The City’s Parks & Recreation Department (PRD) has added shade structures and drinking fountains to dozens of parks across Albuquerque, with more planned for this year. These amenities aim to help residents spend more time at parks, especially during the hot summer months, by providing additional shade and water.

“Part of building a better city for our families is providing plenty of safe green and recreational spaces for folks to enjoy the outdoors,” said Mayor Tim Keller. “Burqueños know the summer heat can take a toll; these upgrades help everyone enjoy our parks while keeping cool and hydrated.”

Currently, 29 city parks have drinking fountains. Over the next year, PRD will install drinking fountains at eight more locations to help keep park users hydrated and healthy. The Parks and Recreation Department asks for the public’s help in maintaining the drinking fountains; only liquids should go into the fountains and down the drains.

Since 2018, PRD has invested roughly $1.6 million on 40 shade structure projects in city parks. This includes shade projects at playgrounds and over benches and tables. PRD plans another 28 shade projects over the next year. Shade structures provide cooler places in parks, shield park users from harmful UV rays, and help protect park equipment from sun and weather damage.

“We’re ‘throwing shade’ so that Burqueños can better enjoy their favorite neighborhood parks,” said PRD Director Dave Simon.

Drinking fountains and shade structures are part of the Keller Administration’s ongoing effort to improve park amenities and green spaces for all residents. Studies have shown that spending more time outside and in nature benefits mental and physical health. Ninety percent of the city’s residents live within a 10-minute walk of a park, open space, trail or other green space.