NMSU Global Campus opens enrollment for free grant writing microlearning course

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Lakshmi Reddi Interim Provost and Chief Academic Officer | nmsu.edu

New Mexico State University’s Global Campus has opened enrollment for a new cohort of its Introduction to Grant Writing Microlearning course. The course, available for free, is designed specifically for small business owners, nonprofit managers, and city administrators in New Mexico.

The course aims to equip participants with essential skills in identifying grant opportunities, understanding solicitations, and writing competitive grant proposals. In an increasingly competitive funding landscape, mastering grant writing is vital for securing resources that drive community and economic development. NMSU’s Introduction to Grant Writing course offers a practical, hands-on approach to learning featuring insights from successful grant writers, processors, and awarders. This comprehensive program demystifies the grant process, providing participants with the tools and knowledge needed to create meaningful change.

“Grant writing is an invaluable skill for community leaders aiming to bring positive change. This course is designed to provide the knowledge and tools needed to write successful grant proposals and secure vital funding,” said Jay Lillywhite, associate dean and director of the Agricultural Experiment Station in the NMSU College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. “Our goal is to empower small business owners, nonprofit managers and city administrators to make a lasting impact in their communities.”

“This course provides participants with an enriching educational experience, guiding them through the process of transforming their ideas into impactful actions. Completing the course will not only enhance their professional credentials but also contribute to growth and development within local communities,” said Andrew Sedillo, director of Microcredentials and Instructional Design for NMSU Global.

Course highlights include:

- Comprehensive curriculum: Covers all aspects of the grant writing process, from identifying opportunities to submitting compelling proposals.

- Flexible learning: Self-paced format with optional weekly webinars allows participants to learn at their convenience.

- Expert instructors: Led by Lillywhite and Dana Catron, deputy director at Arrowhead Center.

- Practical insights: Real-world examples and best practices shared by successful grant writers.

- Professional growth: Participants will build a professional portfolio and receive a digital badge and certificate upon completion.

Small business owners, nonprofit managers, and city administrators face unique challenges in securing funding. This course addresses these challenges head-on by offering targeted strategies to identify and capitalize on grant opportunities. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the skills necessary to navigate the complex grant writing landscape.

To sign up or learn more about NMSU Global’s Microlearning program visit https://nmsuondemand.nmsu.edu/browse/aces/courses/grant-writing-i or https://global.nmsu.edu/microlearning/.

NMSU Global Campus offers a wide range of online degree programs designed for working professionals. With a commitment to excellence in education focused on innovation, it empowers students to achieve academic goals flexibly.