UNM launches interactive campus map to enhance navigation

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Kimberly Sanchez Rael, Chair of the Board of Regents at the University of New Mexico | The University of New Mexico

Navigating The University of New Mexico's (UNM) campus has become more accessible with the launch of an online, interactive campus map. This tool aims to modernize and streamline campus experiences for students, staff, faculty, and visitors. The map covers UNM’s Albuquerque Campuses and is accessible online through mobile and desktop computers.

Users can find buildings, amenities, and points of interest via a search bar or by navigating through categories. The map offers real-time updates, turn-by-turn directions, parking zones, shuttle routes, visibility of road closures and construction areas, and locations for food services. Custom print maps are available for events or class schedules. Additionally, QR code generation is available for specific locations.

"The Interactive Campus Map represents our commitment to enhancing the overall experience of everyone who steps foot on our campuses," said Shawna Wolfe, vice president for Institutional Support Services.

The project is supported by over 25 members from various departments such as Institutional Support Services, Environmental Health & Safety, Athletics, and Health Sciences. The working group meets bi-annually to address institutional needs while each member manages their content areas independently.

Facilities Management Representative Maya Williams stated that "the interactive map is an incredible resource for navigating campus and sharing information."

Health Sciences Marketing & Communications Representative Byron Hughey-Geer noted that "these new wayfinding tools make the University more accessible for everyone."

Anne Jakle, director of the Office of Sustainability, added that "the new map will be a game-changer for navigation around our campus" and will showcase sustainable features at UNM.

The map is now available on smartphones or computers. For more information or to join the working group, visit https://ccsp.unm.edu/campus-maps.