New robotics club empowers NMSU students

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Monica Torres Chancellor of NMSU System Community Colleges |

Maria Adeliz Ordoñez, a former high school VEX Robotics champion, found the absence of a college-level robotics team at New Mexico State University (NMSU) an opportunity to fill a gap. In fall 2022, she initiated the formation of NM State Robotics.

“I was in the STEM pathway in high school and joined the robotics club in 2015. Since then, I fell in love with the engineering design process and the creativity incorporated in robotics,” Ordoñez said.

The newly formed club held its first meeting in January 2023 and participated in several VEX U Robotics events during the spring 2023 semester. The club is open to undergraduate and graduate students from all majors.

“There is a role for everyone to participate in, and you can start learning from the first day you walk in,” said Ordoñez, who served as president during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Mahdi Haghshenas-Jaryani, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and club adviser, highlighted the significance of robotics for students' future careers. “Robotics can inspire students to pursue careers in STEM fields. Robots are increasingly becoming part of our daily lives, and there is a significant need to prepare and train future engineers and researchers in this field.”

Haghshenas-Jaryani emphasized that robotics helps students develop problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork skills, as well as experience in engineering and computer science.

NM State Robotics members also engage in community service activities such as NMSU Engineering Week, the Big Event, and trunk or treat events at Vista Middle School.

“There is a sense of community that is created when you work so closely with a group of friends,” Ordoñez added.

As part of NM State Robotics, members acquire skills like organizational leadership, teamwork, administrative responsibilities, and project management.

“In the current job market there is a high demand for engineers and researchers in robotics autonomous systems and artificial intelligence,” Haghshenas-Jaryani noted. “The skills learned in VEX Robotics can be applied to many different careers.”

Ordoñez expressed hope that these abilities will extend into members' professional lives post-graduation. “Students will realize that their teamwork and communication skills will be well practiced once they join the workforce... they will have created fun memories and true friendships along the way.”

Looking ahead, NM State Robotics aims to host a national VEX U competition alongside UTEP's VEX U team. College of Engineering Dean Lakshmi N. Reddi commented on such organizations' importance: “At the high-school level they generate interest in technology... At college level they enhance educational experience.”

However financial sustainability remains challenging for purchasing equipment building robots traveling for competitions admitted Haghshenas-Jaryani “The head of Department Mechanical Aerospace Engineering Dr Jay Frankel has kindly supported team over past year We hope get more financial help other resources so team continue activities participate VEX Robotics competition”

For more information about NM State Robotics visit or @nmsu_robotics on Instagram.

A version story published spring 2024 issue Panorama For more stories visit


CUTLINE: New Mexico State University Robotics held its first meeting January 2023 competed several VEX U Robotics events during spring semester Courtesy photo

CUTLINE: New Mexico State University Robotics members Gene Fretwell left Caylene Romero Teresa Galvan work attaching robotic arm robot NMSU photo Josh Bachman

CUTLINE: New Mexico State University Robotics members Mario Saenz left Gene Fretwell work robot team hopes one day host national VEX U competition NMSU photo Josh Bachman

CUTLINE: Maria Adeliz Ordoñez former New Mexico State University Robotics club president works robot Jett Hall NMSU photo Josh Bachman