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City of Santa Fe Public Works and Utilities Committee met April 1

City of Santa Fe Public Works and Utilities Committee met April 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting started at 5:01pm


Members Present:

Councilor Michael Garcia

Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth

Councilor Lee Garcia

Chair Amanda Chavez

Councilor Alma Castro

Members Excused:


Others Attending:

Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director


MOTION: Councilor Alma Castro moved, seconded by Councilor Carol Romero Wirth, to approve the agenda as amended. VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, Councilor Lee Garcia, Chair Amanda Chavez, Councilor Alma Castro

Against: None

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Councilor Michael

Against: None


MOTION: Councilor Lee Garcia moved, seconded by Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, to approve the consent agenda as amended.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, Councilor Lee Garcia, Chair Amanda Chavez, Councilor Alma Castro

Against: None

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Councilor Michael

Against: None

Abstain: None

Items C and D were removed for discussion by Councilor Lee Garcia 5. PRESENTATION

a. Overview of Park Maintenance and Scheduling. (Skyler Nielsen, Parks Operations Manager; smnielsen@santafenm.gov)

b. Paseo Rael Water Reclamation Facility Update. (John Dupuis, Public Utilities Department Director, jedupuis@santafenm.gov)

c. Utility Billing Modernization Project Update. (John Dupius, Public Utilities Director: jedupuis@santafenm.com)


a. Request for Approval of Minutes from the March 18, 2024 Public Works and Utilities Committee Metting. (Jamie-Rae Diaz, Administrative Manager, jldiaz@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 04/01/2024

MOTION: Councilor Garcia moved, seconded by Councilor Romero Wirth, to approve the minutes as presented.

MOTION: Councilor Lee Garcia moved, seconded by Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, to approve the minutes as presented.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth,

For: Councilor Lee Garcia, Chair Amanda Chavez, Councilor Alma Castro

Against: None

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Councilor Michael

Against: None

Abstain: None

b. Request for Approval of a Subaward Grant Agreement with the New Mexico Economic Development Department, Outdoor Recreation Division in the Amount of $99,999 for Improvements at Pueblos del Sol Park for a Two Year Term. (Scott A. Overlie, Parks and Open Space Project Administrator; saoverlie@santafenm.gov)

1. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate Funding in the Amount of $99,999 for Construction Services to Supplement Pueblos del Sol Park Upgrades.

Committee Review

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 04/01/2024

Finance Committee: 04/08/2024

Governing Body: 04/10/2024

MOTION: Councilor Garcia moved, seconded by Councilor Romero Wirth, to approve the grant as presented.

MOTION: Councilor Lee Garcia moved, seconded by Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, to approve the grant as presented.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth,

For: Councilor Lee Garcia, Chair Amanda Chavez, Councilor Alma Castro

Against: None

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Councilor Michael

Against: None

Abstain: None

c. Request for Approval of a Construction Services Contract with A.A.C. Construction, LLC in the Amount of $2,465,837.04 in to Address Ongoing Issues at the Treatment Plant Over the Function of the Pumps and Filters, Which Need to be Maintained and Brought into Working Condition. (Michael Dozier, Wastewater Management Division Director; mldozier@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 04/01/2024

Finance Committee: 04/08/2024

Governing Body: 04/10/2024

MOTION: Councilor Romero-Wirth moved, seconded by Councilor Garcia, to approve the professional services agreement (PSA) as presented.

Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth moved, seconded by Councilor

MOTION: Lee Garcia, to approve the professional services agreement (PSA) as presented.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth,

For: Councilor Lee Garcia, Chair Amanda Chavez, Councilor Alma Castro

Against: None

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Councilor Michael

Against: None

Abstain: None

Item pulled for discussion by Councior Lee Garcia

d. Request for Approval of a Professional Services Contract with Hazen & Sawyer in the Amount of $2,718,000 to Provide Sampling, Engineering, and Regulatory Support to Ensure Compliance with the City's Existing NPDES and Other Discharge Permits. (Michael Dozier, Wastewater Management Division Director; mldozier@santafenm.gov)

1. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) in the Amount of $8,000,000 from Cash Balance in the Wastewater Enterprise Fund to the WWMD WIP Construction Fund for Emergency Procurement.

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 04/01/2024

Finance Committee: 04/08/2024

Governing Body: 04/10/2024

MOTION: Councilor Romero-Wirth moved, seconded by Councilor Castro, to approve the professional services agreement (PSA) as presented.

Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth moved, seconded by Councilor

MOTION: Alma Castro, to approve the professional services agreement (PSA) as presented.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth,

For: Councilor Lee Garcia, Chair Amanda Chavez, Councilor Alma Castro

Against: None

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Councilor Michael

Against: None

Abstain: None

Item removed for discussion by Councilor Lee Garcia for discussion.

e. CONSIDERATION OF BILL NO. 2024-2. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 2023-____. (Councilor Lee Garica)

A Bill Amending Section 12-2.1 of SFCC 1987 to Replace the 2015 Edition of the International Fire Code with the 2021 Edition; and Specify that City Code Supersedes the Adopted International Fire Code; Repealing and Replacing Exhibit A of Chapter 12. (Geronimo G. Griego, Fire Marshal; gggriego@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body (Introduced): 03/13/2024

Governing Body (Public Comment): 03/27/2024

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 04/01/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 04/03/2024

Governing Body (Public Hearing): 04/24/2024

MOTION: Councilor Garcia moved, seconded by Councilor Romero Wirth, to approve the bill as presented.

MOTION: Councilor Lee Garcia moved, seconded by Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, to approve the bill as presented.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth,

For: Councilor Lee Garcia, Chair Amanda Chavez, Councilor Alma Castro

Against: None

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Councilor Michael

Against: None

Abstain: None





Councilor Castro asked for Public Comment to be added to the agenda.


12. NEXT MEETING: April 15 2024


Meeting adjourn at 7:08pm


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