Architecture student wins 2023 MBMA Design Competition Award

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Garnett S. Stokes, Persident - The University of New Mexico Board of Regents | University of New Mexico

Architecture student Ian Tibbetts from the University of New Mexico School of Architecture + Planning has emerged as the winner of the 2023 Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) Student Design Competition. His project, Harmony Nature Center, which focuses on the balance between nature, agriculture, and urbanization along the Rio Grande River, secured him first place in the graduate division.

Tibbetts expressed his gratitude for the recognition, stating, "I am honored that I was selected for this award. The inspiration for the Harmony Nature Center is rooted in the distinct ecological environment of the highland desert portion of the Rio Grande River. This intersection of natural environments with human ones drives the plan of the nature center, guiding visitors from an outwardly observant mindset to an introspective one, and back again."

Lee Shoemaker, the MBMA Director of Research and Engineering, commented on the competition, saying, "It's exciting to see it grow and introduce metal building systems to students across the country. The creativity, insight, and enthusiasm of these students is wonderful to see and inspiring for our industry."

The panel of judges for the competition included industry professionals such as Eric Pros from DS Architecture, Terri Meyer Boake from the University of Waterloo, Lauren Gwaltney from Williams Blackstock Architects, John Underwood from Behlen Mfg. Co., and Robert Tiffin from Silvercote and chair of the MBMA Architecture Committee.

Ian Tibbetts' innovative design for the Harmony Nature Center at Bachechi Open Space not only showcases his talent and creativity but also highlights the importance of integrating nature and architecture in sustainable and visually appealing ways. The recognition from the MBMA underscores Tibbetts' dedication to creating spaces that harmoniously blend with their natural surroundings.