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Christopher Ticknor | Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos scientist names APS Fellow

Los Alamos National Laboratory announced that Christopher Ticknor, a physicist working in the Theoretical division at Los Alamos, has been named a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). The APS Fellowship Program honors society members who have made significant contributions to the field of physics through original research and publication or have applied physics to science and technology in innovative ways. This recognition for Ticknor came about due to his significant achievements and contributions within the realm of physics.

Delving into Christopher Ticknor's career trajectory reveals a consistent path of progress and exploration. In 2010, Christopher Ticknor started his tenure at Los Alamos National Laboratory as a Director's Fellow and later became one of the inaugural Metropolis Fellows with Advanced Simulation and Computing before assuming a staff role. Ticknor has explored diverse realms of physics, including ultracold quantum mechanical scattering, the many-body physics of Bose-Einstein condensates, quantum vortex dynamics, dense plasmas, and energetic materials. He has been recognized for his contributions, specifically citing his theoretical and computational advancements in comprehending the properties of matter under extreme conditions, according to a press release by Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The accolades bestowed upon Ticknor are supported by high-profile figures within Los Alamos National Laboratory. "We congratulate Christopher on this well-deserved recognition," said Mark Chadwick, interim deputy Laboratory director for Science, Technology and Engineering at Los Alamos, according to a press release by Los Alamos National Laboratory. "The APS fellowship reflects the esteem that peers have for one’s contributions within the physics community. Christopher’s work showcases the spirit of innovative, collaborative research and commitment to the field that helps push boundaries in science."

Understanding more about The American Physical Society (APS) gives context to the significance of this recognition. The American Physical Society (APS) aims to serve as the authoritative advocate for physics, publish globally influential journals in physics and related sciences, and organize essential meetings, conferences, and workshops. Furthermore, APS strives to actively engage and support the next generation of physicists, and foster equity and inclusion while enhancing diversity in all aspects. Additionally, the society seeks to broaden public appreciation of physics and highlight its numerous contributions to society, according to the APS website's About section.

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