NM Department of Health: Suicide prevention and awareness

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NM Department of Health: Suicide Prevention and Awareness

The New Mexico Department of Health has designated September as Suicide Prevention Month, aiming to raise awareness about the resources available to individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts within the state. In a recent press release, the department highlighted various assistance programs and resources accessible to those in need in New Mexico.

Residents of New Mexico have access to several helplines for suicide and crisis intervention. These include the suicide and crisis lifeline at 988, the New Mexico Crisis and Access line at 855-662-7474, and the Agora Crisis Line at 505-277-3013 or 855-505-4504. It is crucial to encourage individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts or self-harm to seek help, especially when they are concerned about their safety, find it difficult to manage intense emotions, or feel hopeless, confused, angry, or lonely. These helplines can also provide information and referrals for local community services.

According to the Department of Health Secretary Patrick Allen, addressing the distressing issue of suicide requires united efforts. The department's approach to suicide prevention is based on data insights and guided by the experiences of individuals who have dealt with suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, or suffered losses. A proclamation has been issued to emphasize the critical need to raise awareness and implement preventive measures to tackle the alarming suicide rates in New Mexico.

In 2021, New Mexico ranked fourth in the nation for suicides, with suicide being the second leading cause of death among residents aged 34 and younger. Moreover, in 2022, the state's hospitals reported over 2,000 emergency department visits related to suicide attempts and more than 18,000 visits linked to suicide ideation. The use of firearms played a significant role in the majority of suicides in New Mexico, according to the press release.

By highlighting the availability of resources and support, the New Mexico Department of Health aims to combat the rising suicide rates in the state. It is crucial to spread awareness about these helplines and encourage individuals to seek help when they need it the most. Together, through united efforts, we can work towards preventing suicides and providing support to those in crisis.