Williamson: 'The goal is to really let customers experience electric vehicles right now'

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Guest Drive introduces public to electric vehicles | Michael Fousert/Unsplash

Potential customers and those who were simply curious took part in PNM’s Electric Vehicle Guest Drive event recently.

More than 500 people attended the event held in northeast Albuquerque to acquaint the public with the feel and advantages of electric vehicles.

“The goal is to really let customers experience electric vehicles right now,” John Williamson, program manager In Albuquerque, Santa Fe and surrounding areas told KOB. “It can be difficult to test drive electric vehicles because dealers don’t have inventory. So, we wanted to give customers the opportunity to try it out.”

The event offered the first opportunity for some of those in attendance to get behind the wheel of an electric vehicle and feel how it drives. “It was my first go at it,” Deandre Montoya, a test driver, said. “I’ve been researching it a little bit.”

PNM also informed potential customers they could receive up to $500 back if they install a charger in their home.

“That also enrolls them in the home EV rate, or the overnight charging rate, to really encourage them to charge their vehicles during the off-peak hours,” Williamson said. “So, it’s about 3 cents per kilowatt-hour so that’s pretty advantageous.”

PNM is also encouraging charging stations to go into homes and increase access. But it is not planning to add any on the road.

“PNM doesn’t actually install them and doesn’t have the plans to own, and operate them,” Williamson said. “They are all privately owned. What PNM is trying to do is encourage the number of EV chargers in the market.”

Another EV car show is being scheduled in Santa Fe this fall, organizers said.

“These kinds of events help people to see- how it is to drive an electric, how the performance runs,” Williamson said. “It’s also nice because it helps dispel misconceptions about EV’s.”